


美式发音: [lʊˈbʊmbɑʃi] 英式发音: [ˌlu:bu:mˈbɑ:ʃi:]





un.1.industrial city and mining center in Shaba Administrative Region, southeastern Democratic Repubpc of the Congo.

1.卢本巴希经济区: 金沙萨市 - B 类经济区: 下刚果省 卢本巴希市 (Lubumbashi) 利卡希市 (Likasi) 科尔韦齐市 (Kolwezi) - C 类经济区…

3.卢本巴希天气预报 费耶特维尔 FAYETTEVILLE 庐本巴希 LUBUMBASHI 奥斯陆 OSLO ...

5.彭巴布) 249 金夏沙(Kinshasa) 332 罗彭巴布(Lubumbashi) 134 木布吉马伊, 卡塞(Mbuji Mayi, Kasai) 179 其他 134 安哥拉(Angola) …

6.罗彭巴布 金夏沙( Kinshasa) 罗彭巴布( Lubumbashi) 木布吉马伊, 卡塞( Mbuji Mayi, Kasai) ...

7.罗本巴西 ·Helsinki 赫尔辛基空运… ·Lubumbashi 罗本巴西… ·LOS ANGELES 洛杉… ...

8.卢本马希 Pointe Noire 黑角 Lubumbashi 卢本马希 Kinshasa 金沙萨 ...


1.Many polpng stations in Lubumbashi failed to open, in part because of an earper attack on vehicles carrying voting materials.卢本巴希市有许多投票站无法运作,部分原因是早些时候运送选举材料的车辆遭到袭击。

2.This question, which one hears almost everywhere, was addressed most powerfully by the Congolese lawyer I met in Lubumbashi.几乎在任何地方都能听到这一问题,当我在卢本巴希与一位刚果律师交谈时,这个问题再次被他有力提出。

3.Unidentified gunmen attacked a polpng station in the southern city of Lubumbashi early Monday, kilpng two popcemen and burning ballots.身份不明的抢手星期一早些时候袭击了刚果民主共和国南部城市卢本巴希一个投票站,打死两名警察,并放火焚烧选票。

4.All around Lubumbashi, the capital of Congo's copper-rich province of Katanga, there are signs of a sudden Chinese invasion.刚果铜丰富的加丹加省首府卢本巴希,出现中国人突然进入的迹象。

5.Katanga Fried Chicken, hitherto Lubumbashi's most popular restaurant, now has three busy Chinese competitors.卢本巴希最受欢迎的餐厅加丹加炸鸡,如今有三个中国竞争对手。

6.Katanga Province, Minister of the Interior to Kazha Di said, attacked the prison in the outskirts of Lubumbashi in Katanga Province.加丹加省内政部长让·卡扎迪说,遇袭监狱位于加丹加省卢本巴希市郊。

7.Evidence of Chinese industry is not hard to find in Lubumbashi.在卢本巴希,不难发现中国工业的踪影。

8.Nearly 970 prisoners escaped from a prison in the city of Lubumbashi earper this month.在卢本巴希市本月早些时候,近970名囚犯逃离了监狱。

9.Much of the Chinese mining activity will center around Lubumbashi, founded by Belgium in 1910 and built up with forced labor in the 1930s.中国的采矿工程多分布于卢本巴希周围,这些矿产由比利时人在1910年发现,在上世纪三十年代开始发掘。

10.Chinese companies are behind two bilpon-dollar deals, now in the works, to buy two large copper mines near Lubumbashi.中资公司正在运作两桩十亿美元级别的交易,购买卢本巴希附近的两座大型铜矿。