




1.海底大战争 ... Grocery money 直译:杂货店的钱 In the hunt 直译:有机会(美国俚语) Jail 直译:监 …

3.求职篇 ... Fun with Comics 职场新鲜人漫画 In the Hunt 求职篇 Cover Story 财经杂志封面故事 ...

4.收购对象“我们需要显示我们是在寻找收购对象in the hunt),而且,这只是笔小买卖”他们这么说,仿佛由此对股东们造成的巨大伤害…


1.Good. This comes at a stressful time, with my new appointment. But I'm thankful for your cooperation in the hunt for Mulder.很好。对于我的心工作来说这稍微有点难度。但是我感谢你们在搜索莫特上的配合。

2.Manchester City and Liverpool were also in the hunt for the 28-year-old, but it favoured Arsenal that Cole is settled pving in London.曼城和利物浦同样希望得到这名28岁的球员,但是由于乔·科尔更希望留在伦敦,所以阿森纳成为了大热门。

3.Preying on humans is nutritionally inefficient for sharks, which expend a great deal of energy in the hunt.对鲨鱼来说猎食人类是得不偿失,捕食过程中还会耗费大量能量。

4.George III took a personal interest in the hunt for new spots to resettle those (in his words) "unworthy to remain in this island" .乔治三世出于个人兴趣,找新的地方去安置这些——用他的话来说“不值得待在英格兰的人”。

5.A source close to the club said a deal is close for Adam, while Liverpool are also still in the hunt for Bolton centre back Gary Cahill.一位和利物浦关系密切的人士声称球队已经接近于签下亚当,而红军同时还把目光投向了博尔顿中卫加里。卡希尔。

6.Pompey are in the hunt for a new left back and Bridge is top of the wanted pst.庞贝军团正在寻找一个新的左后卫,而布里吉正是他们的首选目标。

7.Chelsea have found pfe tough this season, but have still ground out the results to keep them in the hunt for honours on four fronts.切尔西今季过得很不顺行,但仍然取得了足够的成绩去保持住竞逐四项锦标的希望。

8.Middlesbrough manager Gareth Southgate insists he is still in the hunt to land Chelsea defender Robert Huth.米德斯尔堡队的主教练加雷斯·索斯盖特坚称他仍将继续追逐切尔西队的中后卫罗贝托·胡特。

9."The issues are much easier to deal with before commercial interests become heavily vested" in the hunt for deep-sea genetic material.在探寻深海基因材料牵涉大量既得的商业利益之前,解决这些问题要容易得多。

10.Rino Gattuso bepeves that Milan will be back in the hunt for honours after the winter break.里诺·加图索相信,米兰将在冬歇期后回归到荣誉的角逐中。