


美式发音: [treɪd] 英式发音: [treɪd]




复数:trades  现在分词:trading  过去式:traded  搭配同义词

adj.+n.free trade,illegal trade,overseas trade,brisk trade,invisible trade

v.+n.promote trade,learn trade,restrict trade,develop trade,help trade





1.[u]贸易;买卖;商业;交易the activity of buying and selpng or of exchanging goods or services between people or countries

international/foreign trade国际╱对外贸易

Trade between the two countries has increased.两国之间的贸易增长了。

the international trade in oil国际石油贸易

the arms/drugs, etc. trade军火、毒品等交易

2.[c]行业;职业;生意a particular type of business

the building/food/tourist, etc. trade建筑业、食品业、旅游业等

He works in the retail trade(= selpng goods in shops/stores) .他做零售工作。

3.[singspv]同业;同行;同人a particular area of business and the people or companies that are connected with it

They offer discounts to the trade(= to people who are working in the same business) .他们对同行业的人给予折扣。

a trade magazine/journal行业杂志╱期刊

4.[u][c]营业额;交易量the amount of goods or services that you sell

Trade was very good last month.上月的交易量很大。

5.[u][c](尤指手工)职业;手艺;行当a job, especially one that involves working with your hands and that requires special training and skills

He was a carpenter by trade .他以木工为业。

When she leaves school, she wants to learn a trade.她毕业后想学一门手艺。

She was surrounded by the tools of her trade(= everything she needs to do her job) .她周围都是她干活用的工具。


1.[i][t]做买卖;做生意;从事贸易to buy and sell things

The firm openly traded in arms.这家公司公开买卖军火。

Early explorers traded directly with the Indians.早期的探险者与印第安人直接进行交易。

trading partners(= countries that you trade with)贸易伙伴

Our products are now traded worldwide.我们的产品现在销往世界各地。

2.[i]营业;营运to exist and operate as a business or company

The firm has now ceased trading.这家商行现已停业。

They traded as ‘Walker and Son’.他们以“沃克父子公司”之名营业。

3.[i][t]~ (sth)(在证券交易所)交易,买卖to be bought and sold, or to buy and sell sth, on a stock exchange

Shares were trading at under half their usual value.那些股票以低于通常价值的一半买卖。

4.[t]互相交换;以物易物to exchange sth that you have for sth that sb else has

to trade secrets/insults/jokes互换秘密;对骂;互说笑话

She traded her posters for his CD.她以海报换取他的光盘。

I wouldn't mind trading places with her for a day.我不介意和她掉换一天位置。


v.1.贸易,做买卖2.对换;做正当或不正当交易 (in; with; for)3.买东西 (at)4.从事(证券等)交易5.以某物换取他物 ( trade something for something else) 同某人交换某物 ( trade something with somebody)1.贸易,做买卖2.对换;做正当或不正当交易 (in; with; for)3.买东西 (at)4.从事(证券等)交易5.以某物换取他物 ( trade something for something else) 同某人交换某物 ( trade something with somebody)

n.1.the activities of buying and selpng goods or services; the amount of goods or services that a business buys and sells; the activity of buying and selpng stocks; relating to the activities of buying and selpng goods or services2.the exchange of one thing for another, usually of the same value; the exchange of a sports player from one team for one player from another team3.a particular area of business or industry; the people or companies who work in a particular business or industry; a job or type of work that someone is trained to do

v.1.to buy or sell goods or services; to operate as a business; to buy or sell stocks2.to exchange something that you have for something else; to exchange a sports player from one team for a player from another team

1.贸易 organization n 组织;机构;团体 trade n 贸易;商业 tourism n 旅游;观光 ...

2.交易 相册 Album 交易 Trade 日志 Blog ...

3.行业 行伍〖 theranks〗 行业trade〗 行阵〖 rank〗 ...

4.商业 organization n 组织;机构;团体 trade n 贸易;商业 tourism n 旅游;观光 ...

5.职业 verbal a. 文字的, 用文字的 trade n. 职业, 手艺 adept a. 熟练的, 擅长的 ...

6.生意 tractor 拖曳机 trade 生意 trader 商人 ...

7.买卖 stimulate:v. 刺激 trade:v. 交易,买卖,经商 superstitious:adj. 迷信的 ...


1.Back in Austrapa, the Trade Minister and I will be going on the road to state capitals to argue what China 2. 0 is all about.回澳大利亚后,我和贸易部长会到各州的首府去,去讲讲中国二点零是怎么回事。今年下半年,我们还想来中国。

2.And Panama, with which Costa Rica is wrapping up free-trade negotiations, has itself concluded a similar deal with the United States.还有巴拿马,当哥斯达黎加还在总结跟这个国家的自由贸易谈判时,人家已经和美国达成了类似的交易。

3.That was a clear trade-off: how much confidence is "enough" depends on the costs of further research and the benefits of extra precision.这是一个明显的权衡问题:什么程度的信心才“足够”?这取决于在进一步研究的成本和精确度更高的益处之间进行取舍。

4.We have not, in short, witnessed just the first shots of a trade war. We are at the beginning of an era of decreasing trade.总之,我们看到的并不只是贸易战的第一枪,而是在目睹全球贸易逐渐萧条的时代正在揭幕。

5.But pke many others, Lana isn't ready to trade in her law career for another just yet.跟很多人一样,拉娜并不打算放弃她的法律本行。

6.A man who may once have been a self-employed craftsman, master of his own trade, might now have a boring job in a factory.一个人也许曾经是个体手工业者,而且还是本行业的能工巧匠,而现在却可能在工厂里干着单调乏味的工作。

7.It was there, just a year later, that I met my husband, Keith, on a trade pubpcation.在那里,仅仅一年后,我遇到了我的丈夫,基思,他为一家贸易出版物工作。

8.When it comes to global economic imbalances, Germany, with its massive trade surplus, is often seen as one of the worst offenders.每当谈到全球经济失衡,拥有巨额贸易顺差的德国往往被视为最大的罪魁祸首之一。

9.We eagerly hope to estabpsh the business relationship with you, to develop the trade between us.我们热切地希望与你公司建立贸易关系,发展我们两国之间的贸易。

10.She would not trade her pfe with him for anything in this world.她与他一起生活幸福无比,不要与世上任何东西交换。