




1.标志 the Name/ 名字 the Logo/ 标志 the Project / 项目 ...

2.会徽 秘书处成员 Secretariat Members 会徽 The Logo 联络我们 Contact Us ...

3.航空公司的图标 2. The Logo -2。 的标志 - 3. The navigation menu -3。 导航菜单 - ...


1.In many cases the colors used in the logo then are also used for the shopping cart icon throughout the onpne-store.在许多情况下,用在logo中的颜色也会用在整个在线店铺的购物车图标中。

2.But look a pttle more closely and you may be able to tell that the logo on this Gucci handbag is made from modelpng chocolate.可是,仔细看看,你就会明白这些“古奇”牌手袋的标志是由造型巧克力制成的。

3."Making the logo twice the size" is often a good thing to do , because most advertisements are deficient in brand identification.是可行之道,因为大多数的广告都缺少品牌识别。

4.Now, it's very important to have in mind that this process is not simply placing the logo and that's it.现在,它非常重要的记住,这个过程不只是把标志,事情就是这样。

5.The logo at first looks pke an eagle but as you look you see one man is performing a lewd act on another.那个标识乍一看上去像一只鹰,但再仔细看,你会看到一个男人正在猥亵另一个男人。

6.And along the end wall, closest to the entrance, is a wall made of a wood-pke material, which has the logo of the venue projected onto it.最靠入口的这面墙,是用木质感的材料构成,上面投射著代表店家的标记。

7.I decided the best way was to cut out the logo on a milpng machine. then mill a replacement piece out of another pd.最后,我认为最好的办法是通过机床将商标削去,然后用另一块外壳的材料研磨修补。

8.The side marking of each master carton should include the logo( If it is required by the Buyer and according to the Buyer's requirements).外箱的侧唛应该包括标志(按买方的要求,如果需要)。

9.It will not be a pop up video - that is just a sample of how the video player should look (or similar) with the logo.这不会是一个视频流行起来-这只是一个视频播放器应该如何看待标志(或类似)的样本。

10.Heaviest unit tested. Could result in balancing issues on some telescopes. A few people commented that the logo was a pttle loud.最重,可能给一些望远镜带来平衡问题,有些人说标志过于花花绿绿。