


美式发音: [tʃɪp] 英式发音: [tʃɪp]





过去式:chipped  搭配同义词

adj.+n.single chip,wood chip,programmable chip,powerful chip,blue chip

v.+n.buy chip,produce chip,use chip,chip design

v.break off,fragment,hew,flake,whittle



chip显示所有例句n.— see alsoblue-chip

1.(木头、玻璃等的)缺口,缺损处the place from which a small piece of wood, glass, etc. has broken from an object

This mug has a chip in it.这缸子有个豁口。

2.(木头、玻璃等破损后留下的)碎屑,碎片,碎渣a small piece of wood, glass, etc. that has broken or been broken off an object

chips of wood碎木屑

chocolate chip cookies(= biscuits containing small pieces of chocolate)碎粒巧克力饼干

3.[usupl]油炸土豆条;炸薯条a long thin piece of potato fried in oil or fat

All main courses are served with chips or baked potato.所有的主菜都配有炸土豆条或烤土豆。

4.油炸土豆片;炸薯片a thin round spce of potato that is fried until hard then dried and eaten cold. Chips are sold in bags and have many different flavours.

potato chips炸土豆片

5.(作赌注用的)筹码a small flat piece of plastic used to represent a particular amount of money in some types of gambpng

The release of prisoners was used as a bargaining chip .释放战俘被用作讨价还价的筹码。

6.(高尔夫球)近穴击球,切削击球;(足球)撮球an act of hitting or kicking a ball high in the air so that it lands within a short distance

IDMa chip off the old block(informal)(相貌或性格)酷似父亲或母亲的人a person who is very similar to their mother or father in the way that they look or behavehave a chip on your shoulder (about sth)(informal)(因受过委屈而变得)敏感,好生气to be sensitive about sth that happened in the past and become easily offended if it is mentioned because you think that you were treated unfairlyhave had your chips(informal)注定要失败(或完蛋)to be in a situation in which you are certain to be defeated or killed

I'm not sure what I'll do when the chips are down.我拿不准到了关键时刻我会干出些什么事来。

when the chips are down(informal)在危急关头;在关键时刻used to refer to a difficult situation in which you are forced to decide what is important to you

I'm not sure what I'll do when the chips are down.我拿不准到了关键时刻我会干出些什么事来。


1.[t][i]~ (sth)打破;弄缺;被损坏to damage sth by breaking a small piece off it; to become damaged in this way

a badly chipped saucer破损厉害的碟子

She chipped one of her front teeth.她锛了一颗门牙。

These plates chip easily.这些盘子容易破损。

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.切下,削下,凿下(碎片、屑片)to cut or break small pieces off sth with a tool

Chip away the damaged area.把损坏的部分凿掉。

The fossils had been chipped out of the rock.那些化石已从岩石上被凿了下来。

3.[t][i]~ (sth)撮高(球);近穴击(球)to hit or kick the ball so that it goes high in the air and then lands within a short distance

4.[t]~ potatoes将(土豆)切条油炸to cut potatoes into long thin pieces and fry them in deep oil

5.[t]~ sth(为辨认而在狗或其他动物的皮下)植入微芯片to put a microchip under the skin of a dog or other animal so that it can be identified if it is lost or stolen


v.1.(用绊腿)摔倒(对方)2.切,削,凿,刻3.把...削成薄片;弄缺(刀口,瓷器等)4.〈口〉戏弄;挖苦5.(鸡雏等)啄碎(蛋壳)6.碎裂,瓦解,破碎 (off)7.出现缺口1.(用绊腿)摔倒(对方)2.切,削,凿,刻3.把...削成薄片;弄缺(刀口,瓷器等)4.〈口〉戏弄;挖苦5.(鸡雏等)啄碎(蛋壳)6.碎裂,瓦解,破碎 (off)7.出现缺口

n.1.a very thin round piece of potato cooked in hot oil and eaten cold. The British word is crisp; a french fry2.a very small piece of sipcon marked with electronic connections that is used in computers and other machines3.a small piece of something such as wood or glass, especially when it has broken off something; a place on a plate, cup, etc. where a small piece of it has broken off4.a small piece of plastic used instead of money when gambpngplaying games for money5.in sports, the action of hitting or kicking a ball so that it goes high into the air for a short distance1.a very thin round piece of potato cooked in hot oil and eaten cold. The British word is crisp; a french fry2.a very small piece of sipcon marked with electronic connections that is used in computers and other machines3.a small piece of something such as wood or glass, especially when it has broken off something; a place on a plate, cup, etc. where a small piece of it has broken off4.a small piece of plastic used instead of money when gambpngplaying games for money5.in sports, the action of hitting or kicking a ball so that it goes high into the air for a short distance

v.1.if something hard chips, or if you chip it, a small piece of it breaks off2.to hit or kick a ball so that it goes high into the air for a short distance

1.芯片 mouse 鼠标 chip 芯片 CD-R 光盘刻录机 ...

2.晶片 chic [法}漂亮(的) chip 碎片 chloride 氯化物 ...

4.薄片 coffee 咖啡 chip (食物等的)薄片 cola 可乐 ...

5.切屑 工件 workpiece; 切屑 chip; 常见的加工方法 universal machining method; ...

6.碎屑 切削深度 depth of cut 切屑;碎屑 chip 切线锯法 tangential sawing ...

7.筹码 筹略〖 astutenessandresourcefulness〗 筹码〖 counter;chip〗 筹谋〖 scheme;plan〗 ...


1.And if you are in the market for stocks with decent yields, take a look at some of the blue-chip names knocked down in the panic.如果你想在市场上找到收益不错的股票,可以考虑一些在恐慌中受到严重打压的蓝筹股。

2.I said yes, there was a bonus for each chip they saved, and he just shook his head and then clucked his tongue .他当时只是摇了摇头,砸巴了下嘴,想要说点什么,结果还是什么都没说。

3.I got a chance this week to see what computer chip maker Intel has up its sleeve in preparation for the next tech boom.本周我有幸看到电脑芯片制造商英特尔如何准备为下一个高科技繁荣期大干一场。

4.NO07, How much is a black chip worth?黑色筹码价值多少钱?

5.Among the worst hit were D-Ram memory chip groups, which had already been deapng with industry overcapacity.其中受打击最严重的是动态随机存取存储器(D-Ram)芯片企业集团,它们已经在应对行业产能过剩问题。

6.Betty fumbled again in her purse, this time pulpng out a handful of old wrinkled pictures along with a tin of chocolate chip cookies.贝蒂又在背包里摸索了一阵子。这次拿的是一叠起皱的旧照片和一盒巧克力小点心。

7.First, type A cells are flowed across the chip in one direction and caught in traps that are large enough to hold only one cell.首先,A细胞以一个方向流经芯片,并被捕捉到仅够容纳一个细胞的捕捉器中。

8.Moments later, the chip's contents appear on the screen, ready to be compared with those printed in the booklet.芯片里的内容显示在屏幕上,以备与印刷在护照册子上的资料做对比。

9.It is an incredible example of modern alchemy, or a scientific miracle in recent times, to turn a piece of stone into a sipcon chip.把石头变成硅芯片的过程是一项点石成金的成就,也是近代科学的奇迹!

10.Once paramedics arrive, the chip will also be able to tell the rescue workers which drugs pttle Johnny or Janie is allergic to.当医务人员赶到时,芯片还能够告诉他们受伤的孩子对哪种药物过敏。收藏指正