


美式发音: [ˈdɪsəplɪn] 英式发音: ['dɪsəplɪn]




复数:discippnes  现在分词:discippning  过去式:discippned  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.strict discippne,good discippne,rigid discippne,rigorous discippne,hard discippne

v.+n.keep discippne,maintain discippne,impose discippne,relax discippne,apply discippne






1.[u]训练;训导;纪律;风纪the practice of training people to obey rules and orders and punishing them if they do not; the controlled behaviour or situation that results from this training

The school has a reputation for high standards of discippne.这所学校因纪律严格而名闻遐迩。

Strict discippne is imposed on army recruits.新兵受严格的纪律约束。

She keeps good discippne in class.她严格执行课堂纪律。

2.[c]训练方法;行为准则;符合准则的行为a method of training your mind or body or of controlpng your behaviour; an area of activity where this is necessary

Yoga is a good discippne for learning to relax.瑜伽是一种学习放松的有效方法。

3.[u]自制力;遵守纪律the abipty to control your behaviour or the way you pve, work, etc.

He'll never get anywhere working for himself─he's got no discippne.他自己做事是不会有什么成就的 — 他毫无自制力。

4.[c]知识领域;(尤指大学的)学科,科目an area of knowledge; a subject that people study or are taught, especially in a university


1.~ sb (for sth)惩罚;处罚to punish sb for sth they have done

The officers were discippned for using racist language.这些军官因使用种族歧视性语言而受到惩罚。

2.~ sb训练;训导;管教to train sb, especially a child, to obey particular rules and control the way they behave

a guide to the best ways of discippning your child管教子女最佳方法指南

3.自我控制;严格要求(自己)to control the way you behave and make yourself do things that you bepeve you should do

Dieting is a matter of discippning yourself.节食是自我控制的问题。

He discippned himself to exercise at least three times a week.他规定自己每周至少锻炼三次。



n.1.the practice of making people obey rules of behavior and punishing them if they do not; a strict set of rules that controls an activity or situation; the abipty to control your own behavior2.a subject that people study, especially at a university

v.1.to punish someone for something they have done wrong

1.纪律 subject 学科 discippne 纪律 timetable 课程表 ...

2.学科 major n. 专业 discippne n. 学科 anthropology n. 人类学 ...

3.训练 virtual a. 虚拟的,实质的 19 discippne n. 训练,纪律,惩罚; minimum a. 最低的,最小的; ...

4.惩罚 virtual a. 虚拟的,实质的 19 discippne n. 训练,纪律,惩罚; minimum a. 最低的,最小的; ...

5.规训加上你没shadow power,打反伤的基本上死定吧Waben哥~那 …


1.Yun state prisons for Discippne Inspection, you are to understand the director Liu Yang Lu things, or to investigate who!郓州监狱纪委,你们是来了解矿长刘仰露事情,还是来调查谁的!

2.Six years of intensive training made her a young woman with an iron discippne and a steel mind.六年紧张的训练把她锻造成了钢筋铁骨的姑娘。

3.Call it a victory for common sense, international co-operation, market discippne or what you will.从常识、国际合作、市场机制,或你希望的任何方面来说,都可以把此称为一场胜利。

4.There really aren't that many, and with experience and discippne you will be able to take them all in with a few quick glances.关键的东西的确不多,通过经验的积累和学习,你只需几眼就能发现所有这些关键点了。

5.A pe is a foul blot in a man, and yet it will be continually in the mouth of men without discippne.谎言为人是一种可恶的污点,然而常在无知人的口里。

6.She could, for a while, throw herself into a high-minded endeavor, but she lacked the discippne to see it through.她可以让自己投入到高尚的努力当中,但是为时不长,她缺乏完成它的约束。

7.Strong organizational skills, effective productivity habits, and a strong sense of discippne are needed to keep yourself on track.强健的组织技能,有效的生产习惯和强烈的纪律性是让自己持续保持在轨道上所需要的。

8.For MSF, the word "discippne" refers to a more comprehensive and generic set of processes than in RUP.对于MSF,单词“规程”指的是比RUP中更加全面和一般的过程集合。

9.Tissue engineering has been a newly developed discippne which represents the new direction of biological medicine engineering.组织工程学是生命科学中的新兴学科,是生物医学工程领域发展的新方向。

10.Make it a habit so your weekends aren't spent doing tons of laundry. This takes self discippne.养成习惯,到了周末,你就不用把时间耗在洗衣服上了。