

monsoon:[英 [ˌmɒnˈsu:n] 美 [ˌmɑ:nˈsu:n] ]



monsoon 基本解释


名词(印度洋的)季风; 季风雨; 夏季季风


monsoon 网络解释

1. 季节风:此前他们从阿拉伯水手那里学去的三角帆虽然比较容易操纵,但仍然是横向安置的,只能利用顺风,在刮定向季节风(monsoon)的印度洋北部好用,在风向不定的地中海和其他欧洲海域就不大适用.

2. monsoon的反义词

2. 雨季:气候:大致可分乾湿两季,雨季(Monsoon)约从5、6月开始,8、9月结束. 尼泊尔(Birganj)海关人员会强行勒索,不付费就不盖章让你入/离境,费用是固定100尼帑/人,如付印卢比亦可,他们会自行换算汇率再找尼帑零钱. (2009.9.1)

monsoon 双语例句

1. In summer, because the vertical incident solar rays regionmoves by the equator to the north, causes of southeast trade crossingthe line the southern hemisphere to change the southwest monsoon toinvade Northern Hemisphere, meets one another with the originalNorthern Hemisphere's Northeast Tradewind, compels crowds this airrise, the increase convection current, again because the southwestmonsoon and the Northeast Tradewind direction is different, meets oneanother often creates the undulation and the whirlpool.


2. So the knowledge of monsoon and ocean current, which has been accumulated since 3B. C., is the base for him to sail across the ocean safely and success...


3. Under normal circumstances, the tropical Pacific region, the monsoon currents from the Americas to Asia, so that the surface of the Pacific to keep warm and to bring the Tropical Rainfall around Indonesia.


4. As an inland province adjacent to the coastal areas, Hunan has an area of 211, 800 square km, 2.2 percent of the national total, ranking 11th largest in China. Hunan has a humid continental and subtropical monsoon climate.

18 湖南省 HUNAN PROVINCE ………………………………………………… 55-56 湖南省总面积21.18 万平方公里,境内东南西三面环山,幕阜、罗霄山脉绵亘于东,五岭山脉屏障于南,武陵、雪峰山脉逶迤于西。

5. In her vision of where the Wall should be increasing the height of thick - in fact not the case, monsoon wear the edge of the brick edge Fenger, with fine sand and light dense cover, a shot through the sun with the whole of the old walls in dust streamer slightly shaking like.


6. A diagnostic method using TBB pentad anomaly is also introduced to help identify monsoon intensity.


7. monsoon是什么意思

7. Krishnamurti T N%M Mujumdar Remotely and regionally forced precursory signals of the Indian summer monsoon Abstract of the Paper for the First WMO 1997, 123~127 null, null, null


8. Webster P J%Yang Song Monsoon and ENSO selectively interactive systems, Quart 10.1002/qj.49711850705 Journal of Royal Meteorology Society, 1992, null

陈烈庭%阎志新青藏高原冬春季积雪对大气环流和我国南方汛期降水的影响 1978年水文气象预报讨论会文集北京:水利电力出版社,1978,null

9. The temporal and spatial variations of the pentad mean surface air temperature have been analyzed in this paper based on the data of NCEP/NCAR from January of 1979 to December of 1995 in the South China Sea monsoon region.


10. Beijing has 4 species of monsoon type, 1 species of south-China type and 1 species of oriental type. Chiropteran in western of Beijing is abundant, including 81% of species. The north of Beijing is lack of great cave, there are only common species.


11. Shandong is located in a warm temperate monsoon climate zone, with an annual average temperature of 11-14 degree centigrade, precipitation of 550-590 mm and a frost-free period of over 200 days.


12. monsoon什么意思

12. Solution: remove the split valve and observe body monsoon trough, if you wear, monsoon trough Department de-fluxing, electrodes for the tail of the monsoon trough filled no around 2-4 mm (based on the pause time and length).


13. The water vapor transported by southwest windstream is difficult to north China north from 30°N because of the weakening of movement of southwest monsoon and southeast wind of western Pacific subtropical high.



14. Summer monsoon circulation and double-blocking high with low-cyclone in high-middle latitude made the large circulation of the continuous heavy rain gush.


15. Results show that: the Tibetan Plateau snow cover has significant effects on China summer monsoon climate.


16. Shanghai owns an monsoon climate with the annual average temperature of 16 °C.


17. The influence of the monsoon climate on the isotopic composition of precipitation is discussed based on the accumulated data in China.


18. The city is 1500 to 2500 meters above the sea level and belongs to the sub-tropical monsoon climate which is warm and humid.



19. Before I knew you in to India and is not quite understanding, I learn geography, so just know India's tropical monsoon climate.


20. From the view of temporal distribution, the global warming trend had little effect on annual variation of agroclimatic potential productivity, which was mainly influenced by the annual fluctuation of pacific monsoon climate.


monsoon 词典解释

1. (南亚地区的)季风季节,雨季

The monsoon is the season in Southern Asia when there is a lot of very heavy rain.

e.g. ...the end of the monsoon.


e.g. ...monsoon flooding.


2. (雨季的)季风雨,降雨

Monsoon rains are sometimes referred to as the monsoons .

e.g. In Ban-gladesh, the monsoons have started.


monsoon 单语例句

1. Liuzhou has a monsoon climate zone where the central subtropical zone transits from the central subtropical zone to the south subzone.

2. Climate The Nantong Economic & Technology Development Zone is of a humid subtropical monsoon climate, mild and with four distinctive seasons.

3. Qingdao lies in the north temperate zone and has a temperate monsoon climate.

4. The special continental monsoon climate characteristics make the winter cold and dry, and summer rainy and hot.

5. The unusually warm February was attributed to a weak northeast monsoon which saw little cold air from the north.

6. Beijing's housekeeper shortage hits like a monsoon every year, as so many workers return home for the new year holidays and don't come back.

7. The DETDZ has a coastline as long as 44 kilometers and is in a temperate continental monsoon climate.

8. Hebei province is of temperate continental monsoon climate with distinguished seasonal characteristics.

9. People across the country are desperately waiting for the cooling effect of the monsoon rains, bringing hopes of relief from a devastating heat spell.

10. Agriculture output will be less due to deficient monsoon rains, he said.

monsoon是什么意思monsoon 英英释义


1. a seasonal wind in southern Asia

blows from the southwest (bringing rain) in summer and from the northeast in winter

2. any wind that changes direction with the seasons

3. rainy season in southern Asia when the southwestern monsoon blows, bringing heavy rains