

moderately:[英 [ˈmɒdərətli] 美 [ˈmɑ:dərətli] ]


moderately 基本解释

副词适度地; 普通地; 温和度; 不过度地

moderately 反义词


moderately 相关例句


1. They lived moderately.


moderately 网络解释


1. 中等:Banduraand Cervone (1986)针对同样的议题:自我反应影响,以个人设定的标准为分类方式,分成极大(markedly)、中等(moderately)、极小(minimally)於标准下及超过(exceeded)标准等四种,探讨自我不满意、自我效能及自我设定目标的动机影响程度.

2. 适度的:minority share 少数股份 | Moderately 适度的 | moderately tight monetary policy 适度从紧的货币政策

3. 适当地,合适地;适度:original price 原价 | moderately 适当地,合适地;适度 | economically 经济地,便宜地

4. 适度地:moderate 适当的 | moderately 适度地 | moderation 缓和

moderately 双语例句

1. First, it is moderately encouraging that 59% of patients with stage 4 CKD actually experienced a significant clinical interaction with a nephrologist.


2. As top coat and intermediate paint for concrete, steel in moderately to severely corrosive environment.


3. Besides, Fantine was only a moderately good workwoman


4. In fact, research shows significant health benefits can be gained when a sedentary person becomes moderately active.


5. Those quarters and halves can add up to a small fortune for a moderately active trader.


6. For example, your level of activity, whether you're a spaz, moderately active, or chair bound, affects how many calories you should eat.


7. There seems to be a threshold effect: Most of the heart protection appears to be realized by people who go from being sedentary to being moderately active, usually by walking regularly.


8. Objective: This study was designed to reevaluate the energy requirements of healthy, moderately active underweight, normal-weight, and overweight women of reproductive age.


9. RRW moderately induces CYP2B isoenzymes when given orally to mice and rats.

大鼠和家兔在口服 RRW 后,可以对 CYP2B 同工酶产生中度的诱导。

10. moderately的翻译

10. Some fields are infested with wild oats and rye grass (Lolium spp.). Twenty-eight per cent of fields in the 1984 survey were moderately or severely infested with Phalaris minor and these fields yielded 1.4 t/ha compared to 1.9 t/ha for fields without weeds.


11. It is suggested that the national standared for iodine concentration in edible salt should be modified by reducing the iodine concentration level in factory level moderately.


12. We will continue to take maintaining steady and relatively fast economic growth as our primary task. We will unswervingly follow the proactive fiscal policy and moderately easy monetary policy, and fully implement and continuously enrich and improve the stimulus package. We will promptly identify and address new developments and new problems in the economy, make our policies more targeted, effective and sustainable, and guard against and fend off various potential risks, including inflation, so that the Chinese economy will achieve fast and steady growth and the country will enjoy social stability and harmony.


13. We should maintain moderately rapid growth of production.


14. Financial policy; Opportunity choice; Moderately tight; Steady


15. This turns out to be an unwise if moderately entertaining move.


16. moderately在线翻译

16. To ensure good health:rat lightly, breathe deply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness and maintain interest in life.


17. However, the results of this study indicate that marketing/logistics interdepartmental relations are only moderately effective.


18. I was moderately at tractive and at times, perky and outgoing.


19. After injecting Gd-DTPA, the tumors mildly or moderately enhanced in 5, non-enhancement in1, MR could demonstrate clearly the cauliflowerlikeor papillaryform protrudinginto the bladder lumen, or out of vesical wall, Perivesical fat and adjacent structuresand lymph nodes were involved.


20. I was moderately attractive and attimes, 2perky and outgoing.


moderately 单语例句moderately的解释

1. " China will carry on with the proactive fiscal and moderately loose monetary policies, " Wen reiterated on his tour to Tangshan and Qinhuangdao.

2. China has decided to combat the current downturn with the combination of a moderately eased monetary policy and a proactive fiscal policy.

3. China badly needs stability in its near abroad now that it is committed to bringing about a moderately prosperous society.

4. The grilled skin was moderately crisped, while the suitable fat content of the salmon ensured consistent moisture throughout the flesh.

5. The Chinese government adopted proactive fiscal policies and moderately expansionary monetary policy in the face of the global financial crisis.

6. Moderately contagious, the disease can be transmitted through nose and throat discharges.

7. He restated to maintain the continuity and stability of macro economic policy, or the implementation of the proactive fiscal policy and moderately loose monetary policy.

8. China's economic growth is likely to stay high but " may moderately slow down " this year, according to the country's central bank.

9. The current period from 2010 to 2020 is a crucial one for China to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

10. Offering rich and wonderfully prepared dishes alongside a moderately priced wine selection is something W certainly succeeds at doing.

moderately 英英释义


1. to a moderately sufficient extent or degree

e.g. pretty big

pretty bad

jolly decent of him

the shoes are priced reasonably

he is fairly clever with computers

Synonym: reasonablyprettyjollysomewhatfairlymiddlingpassably

2. with moderation

in a moderate manner

e.g. he drinks moderately