

benevolent:[英 [bəˈnevələnt] 美 [bəˈnɛvələnt] ]


benevolent 基本解释


形容词乐善好施的; 慈善的; 好心肠的; 与人为善的

benevolent 同义词



benevolent 反义词


benevolent 相关例句



1. The old woman had a benevolent feeling towards all cats.


2. The club received a benevolent donation.


3. Our teachers taught us to be benevolent.


benevolent 网络解释

1. 仁慈的:萨平顿和斯蒂格利茨(sapington and stiglitz,1987)曾经提出,如果国家是仁慈的(benevolent)、合同是完全的,所有制就无关紧要(irrelevant),因为国家所有者总可以模仿(mimic)私人所有者.

2. benevolent的解释

2. 慈善,仁慈的:benefit 利益 | benevolent 慈善,仁慈的 | benign 良性,良好,亲切的

3. benevolent的反义词

3. 乐善好施的:benign 和善的 | benevolent 樂善好施的 | benefit 好處

benevolent 双语例句

1. He is always benevolent towards his countryman.



2. Song Lee's dragon is beautiful and benevolent; Harry's is a fierce, fire-eating creature that drinks elephants'blood.

宋丽的龙是美丽而吉祥的,Harry 的则是吞吐火焰的、喝大象血的可怕生物。

3. As a long-time peace lover, the Chinese nation always cherishes such beliefs that one should be benevolent to neighbors and neighboring states, be trustworthy and seek good neighborliness.


4. Behind his wise and benevolent eyes was a kind and affectionate fatherlike nature.


5. Share the spotlight and benevolent feelings with others, and they'll support you at best, and leave you the heck alone at worst.


6. And he was always a favorite with his fellow-artists, and was a conspicuous member of their benevolent secret society, called the Chain Gang.

他总是很受同事们的喜爱,他是慈善秘密社会Chain Gang的最有名的成员。

7. Lung Jen Benevolent Society of Vancouver, Canada displayed a huge flag in the parade in celebration of 60th National Day.


8. benevolent

8. For what could be more humane, more civilized, more sensible and more benevolent than directing society`s efforts solely toward the end of achieving the rehabilitation or cure of that social misfit who breaks the law?


9. The four kinds of clean-Ming Hui: broken prostitution (Page 1)- Buddhist learning - Shu-Sin Tong Benevolent Society | Wang Feng Yi Thought - Buddhism - sage...



10. E. they are consistent autocracism supporters beyond history. Their differences lie in the ways of autocracy: should it be a benevolent, open and kind one, or should it be overbearing, wild, and evil?


11. The benevolent host, please let the revenge the seductive flower, is in full bloom.


12. benevolent

12. The address ran: To the benevolent Gentleman of the church of Saint-Jacquesdu-haut-Pas.


13. Their benevolent acceptance of my shortcomings, their persistence in keeping me on the path, their tolerance and their strength is like a mirror which reflects my hopes for myself and for those around me.


14. This is how everything began. It's so important to have benevolent friends to guide you the right ways to the apporiate living.


15. Is sad for the country, Your critical time entire 800 million farmers'question, Wants to discover a solution on Cao Xian this boundary the pathway tocome, But the under benevolent official does not buy your account, Regards your eye night, Therefore only then dares such bold doing all kinds of evil things, Wants the completely thoughts to deceive you the money, Let your policy not be able to obtain the execution, Let you be separated by more and more far with the common people onlythen is resigned to, Otherwise, They how possibly 有机可趁, Conveniently reaps profit?


16. When things go swimmingly, few people seem to mind being run by benevolent autocrats. When things get sticky, they are less obliging.


17. benevolent

17. From Sextus, a benevolent disposition, and the example of a family governed in a fatherly manner, and the idea of living conformably to nature; and gravity without affectation, and to look carefully after the interests of friends, and to tolerate ignorant persons, and those who form opinions without consideration: he had the power of readily accommodating himself to all, so that intercourse with him was more agreeable than any flattery; and at the same time he was most highly venerated by those who associated with him: and he had the faculty both of discovering and ordering, in an intelligent and methodical way, the principles necessary for life; and he never showed anger or any other passion, but was entirely free from passion, and also most affectionate; and he could expressed much knowledge without ostentation.


18. benevolent的反义词

18. Ruling by law and by benevolent policy is two ways to manage state affairs de jure.


19. To the Chinese, the dragon, phoenix, turtle, unicorn, lion and white crane are auspicious and benevolent


20. Unicorn has the cultural implications as follows: the chief of animals, benevolent animal, the spirit of bodyguard, the spirit of driving evil child, the symbol of auspicious sign and the symbol of personage.


benevolent 词典解释

1. (当权者)仁慈的,慈爱的,乐善好施的

If you describe a person in authority as benevolent, you mean that they are kind and fair.


e.g. The company has proved to be a most benevolent employer...


e.g. They believe that the country needs a benevolent dictator.



Thorne nodded his understanding, smiling benevolently.


A bit of benevolence from people in power is not what we need.


2. (用于慈善机构名称)慈善的,救济的

Benevolent is used in the names of some organizations that give money and help to people who need it.


e.g. ...the Army Benevolent Fund.


benevolent 单语例句benevolent的解释

1. Reparation and restoration of the two palaces have been completed and workers are putting final touches to the adjoining Garden of Benevolent Peace.

2. The benevolent figure has accompanied his son throughout his chess career, and is quick to admit he hasn't beat Magnus at the game for nine years.

3. Why does a benevolent business become a mournful event all of a sudden?

4. It is " benevolent " - warm, sunny and " without the sound of wind ".

5. Childless senior citizens have no clearly defined rights to receive family care and could become destitute without the help of benevolent extended kin.

6. This is indeed an impressive feat and has been made largely possible due to the progressive reforms and the benevolent conditions in the country.

7. Besides benevolent people abroad who wish to help the needy in China, an increasing number of enterprises and individuals within the country are interested in philanthropy.

8. People believe the dragon mother in Yuecheng is benevolent and philanthropic and can remove ill fortune and help overcome difficulties.

9. To be great is to exert a beneficial and benevolent influence over other powers, great or not so great.

10. By living and projecting benevolent rectitude, the people and governing structures of China can generate strong soft power.

benevolent的翻译benevolent 英英释义



1. generous in assistance to the poor

e.g. a benevolent contributor

eleemosynary relief

philanthropic contributions

Synonym: beneficenteleemosynaryphilanthropic

2. generous in providing aid to others

Synonym: freehearted

3. showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity

e.g. was charitable in his opinions of others

kindly criticism

a kindly act

sympathetic words

a large-hearted mentor

Synonym: charitablekindlysympatheticgood-heartedopenheartedlarge-hearted

4. intending or showing kindness

e.g. a benevolent society