




1.小乌龟 一晚十次郎「武道我理」区豪( Ou hao) 小乌龟( Little turtle) 小山猫( Little cat) ...

2.小海龟 ... [小海马 Little Seahorse [小海龟 Little Turtle [小海豚 Little Dolphin ...

3.小龟还摆着两只小海龟的雕像,一下就让我联想起迈阿米酋长利特尔Little Turtle)的名字——哈哈,Turtle是“龟、海龟”的意思…

5.龟壳这件作品是以龟壳(Little Turtle)为基础,将组件的反面组合变化而成的作品~Yahoo 精选内容无Yahoo 精选相片No.1 2006.12.30…


1.My good friends are a rabbit and a turtle. The pttle rabbit jumps fast. The pttle turtle runs slow. They are all very cute.我的好朋友是一只兔子和一只乌龟,小兔子跳得很快,小乌龟跑得很慢,它们都非常可爱。

2.Deep within a forest a pttle turtle began to cpmb a tree.在森林深处有只小海龟开始爬树。

3.Huang asked the cooks why they were making such a fuss about one pttle turtle.黄于是问厨子,为什么它们为了这么一只小乌龟大动干戈。

4.During the eighteenth century, Little Turtle was chief of the Miami tribe whose territory became what is now Indiana and Ohio .十八世纪时,“小乌龟”是迈阿密部落的酋长,该部落的地盘就是今天的印第安那州和俄亥俄州。

5.During the eighteenth century, Little Turtle was chief of the Miami whose territory became what is now I and.十八世纪时,“小乌龟”是迈阿密部落的酋长,该的地盘就是今天的印和。

6.but, you know, he's a tough pttle turtle.不过它是支坚强的小乌龟

7.Little turtle crawled out from the pool, lazily lying on the bamboo raft on the sun.小海龟从池中爬了出来,懒洋洋地在太阳上竹筏说谎。

8.The pttle turtle see pttle duck swimming in the water, slowly.小乌龟看看小鸭子,慢慢地游进水里。

9.I was looking for something interesting to shoot, and suddenly I spotted a pttle turtle in the aquarium.我在寻觅一些可供拍摄的有趣场景,猛然之间,我抓拍到了水族馆里的小海龟。

10.The pttle turtle picked a lotus, for the pttle frog.小乌龟摘下一朵荷花,送给小青蛙。