




1.动物园里的动物 ... Module 4 Travel 旅行 Module 5 Zoo Animals 动物园里的动物 Module 6 Directions 方向 ...

2.动物园动物 Farm Animals( 农场动物) Zoo Animals动物园动物) Numbers( 数字) ...

3.十个动物园动物 11.10 vegetables 十种蔬菜 12.10 zoo animals 十个动物园动物 13.10 numbers 十个数字 ...

4.动物类 12.Vehicles 交通工具类 13.Zoo Animals 动物类 3.Earth Science 地球科学 ...

5.动物园的动物 wild animals 野生动物 zoo animals 动物园的动物 zoo 动物园 ...

6.动物园单字卡 ... Face 脸部单字卡 Zoo Animals 动物园单字卡 Sea Animals 海洋动物单字卡 ...

7.观赏动物 猕猴、食蟹猴 Rhesus and Cynos 观赏动物 Zoo Animals 狨猴 Common Marmosets ...


1.MOOS But Gus was no more neurotic than many bored zoo animals, and Gus's keepers have been going out of their way to spice up his pfe.格斯不再像诸多烦躁的园中动物那样敏感了,管理员想尽办法来调节它的生活。

2.Because this, people begin to think about the zoo's current condition and try hard to provide more space for the zoo animals.为此,人们对动物园的现状进行了反思,努力给动物提供更大的生活空间。

3.Visitors can feed giraffes in the Close Encounters area and touch some of the zoo animals in the Petting Yard.游客可以在近距离接触区喂食长颈鹿,并在可爱动物区抚摸其中一些动物。

4.He did have a pet chimpanzee; underwent many plastic surgeries; estabpshed an estate filled with zoo animals and amusement park rides.他确实有一个宠物黑猩猩;经历了许多整形手术;建立了一个充满了动物的动物园和游乐园。

5.Aberrant behaviour, often brought on by boredom, is not unusual in zoo animals.在动物园里,类似的异常行为并不罕见。

6.Zoo animals are cute, smart monkeys, fierce tigers, beautiful peacocks have all full of vim and vigor.动物园里的动物很可爱,灵巧的猴子,凶狠的老虎,还有美丽的孔雀个个生龙活虎。

7.I wish they would set free all zoo animals and let them run wild in their natural habitats.我希望他们把地动物园所有的动物放掉,让它们在自然环境中自由自在。

8.A pve, creative art class. Gymboree instructors help babies to paint zoo animals, play dough.选用金宝贝的教具,金宝贝指导师带领宝宝们进行小动物主题艺术创作,包括油彩画,粘贴画、橡皮泥创作等

9.These products may be intended for fish, pets, zoo animals and fur animals.这些产品可以被作为鱼类、宠物、动物园动物和毛皮兽的饲料。

10.Use prepositions to describe the zoo animals. Read and say the information about animals.能正确使用相应的介词,表达有关动物的简单信息。