

partial:[英 [ˈpɑ:ʃl] 美 [ˈpɑ:rʃl] ]


partial 基本解释

形容词部分的; 偏爱的; 偏袒的; 钟爱的


partial 同义词



partial 反义词



partial 相关词组

1. be partial to : 对...偏袒的, 对...过分错爱的;


partial 相关例句


1. The film was only a partial success.


2. She is partial to ice-cream.



3. The research project was only a partial success.


4. partial的反义词

4. She is partial to her youngest boy.


5. I'm very partial to sweet foods.


partial 情景对话

International Trade-Shipping-(国际贸易-运输)

A:Hello, I’m calling from San Francisco for Kevin Lee.


B:This is Kevin Lee speaking.


A:Hi. This is Helen Parker calling.



B:Good morning, Helen. What can I do for you?

早安, 海伦。有什么我能效劳的吗?

A:Im calling to find out how you would like your order of speakers, by air or by sea?


B:We need part of that order by next week, so we would like to do a partial air shipment.



A:How much of it do you want shipped by air?



B:Wed like to ship half the order by air and the rest by sea.



A:OK. Do you want us to use our freight forwarding agent?


B:Actually, weve got a freight forwarder over there-China Consolidated. Ill fax you their contact information.


A:All right. We can deliver that half to your agent tomorrow morning.


B:That would be great.


A:Im not sure what the shipping schedule will be for the sea freight.



B:No hurry. Were not in a big rush for the second half of the order.


A:All right. Ill let you know the shipping details later and Ill send you the shipping documents by DHL as soon as I get them.

好的。我稍后再通知你送货细节,我一拿到出货文件就马上用DHL 快递给你。

B:Very good. Well be expecting to hear from you. And thanks for calling.


partial 网络解释

1. 局部:inline)与代码隐藏(code-behind)的编译模式是不同的:代码嵌入仅进行一次编译,声明性代码与C#/VB.NET代码都一起编译到一个类里面;代码隐藏则将声明性代码与C#/VB.NET代码分开几次进行翻译/编译,这些代码之间是局部与局部(partial)的关系或是基类与派

2. 有偏向的:一个有责任感的新闻工作者在对他看来是符合实际情况的事实进行分析时,是有偏向的(Partial),他只要不是为了说明自己的观点而歪曲事实,只要不隐瞒说明一个不同观点的事实真相,他就是公正的.

partial 双语例句

1. Modelling reflect that their source region is garnet peridotite, and the picrite is produced by 2-7% partial melting.


2. For verification purpose, we construct a linear edge perfect dislocation with Burgers vector b=[110]/2 and a partial dislocation ring with b= [112]/6 in FCC copper.


3. Like you, I also like the music which outpours light gloom, but then I am a little partial to the music without lyrics; also including American country music.


4. partial在线翻译

4. The results showed that the coke-burning rate is in first order with respect to both carbon content and oxygen partial pressure. Because of the internal diffusion, the coke-burning rate for large particle catalyst is only about 60% of that for the small one.


5. Contribution to performance shares of new debt required to play different route through the Fund consider, can be seen from Table 1, involved the partial stock funds in the IPO first day return and partial shares of the overall average level of funds equivalent to the new contribution to the fight not prominent, participating in the new play...


6. This model can be descriped as a system of partial differential equations which has infinite space region.


7. The analysis method about ultra-trace PGE in rock samples is successfully used in the study on the characteristic of PGE in Kudi ophiolite suite and the following conclusions are made:(1) The difference of the mantle normalization of PGE patterns between dunite, harzburgite and lherzolite in Kudi indicates that they are residual of multi-stage partial melt of the mantle.


8. This experiment optimized the heat-insulating property ofgreenhouse partial structure, designed the new greenhouse on a basis of Dongnong series and incombination with optimizing result, in addition, did productbility research about the newgreenhouse in the practice manufacture.


9. partial的翻译

9. It mainly including: ice stadium design, making ice design, design of refrigeration technics of cold store. The system saves data of refrigeration engineering design, computing formula, weather data of main areas in china, machines and equipments of partial factory, performance data of units. And it can finish the load computing, choice of machines and equipments, plane design of cold store, room design for machines and equipments.


10. Due to the high concentration of oxygen inhalation can enhance the toxicity of paraquat, the oxygen, the oxygen concentration should not be too high so that the arterial partial pressure of oxygen can be reached 70mmHg.


11. This is called a partial gastrectomy, as part of the stomach has to be removed as well.


12. Objective To explore the laparoscopic partial gastrectomy and the indications.


13. Methods Eighteen patients who underwent laparoscopic partial gastrectomy from August 2005 to May 2006 were analyzed retrospectively.


14. A partial gastrectomy may be necessary in people with stomach ulcers or stomach cancer.


15. Methods Nutritional status of 9 patients received curative total gastrectomy and 14 cases curative partial gastrectomy were measured before and at first and sixth months after operation.


16. partial是什么意思

16. Results In 10 patients, 7 cases were benign, 1 was borderline, 2 cases were malignant. After treated by partial or subtotal gastrectomy, all patients were followed up for 6 month~6 years, all were survival.


17. partial的翻译

17. Laparoscopic partial gastrectomy under the localization of gastroscopy is safe and effective and the prognosis is favorable.


18. 500 Tons/year six partial sodium food items.


19. When Mike's photography portfolio wins him a partial scholarship to NYU, he must figure out how to balance his tight knit Italian neighborhood roots in Bay Ridge with the opportunity to emerge into the expansive, sophisticated world on the other side of the East River.

当Mike的摄影为他赢得了去NYU的奖学金时,他必须弄清楚如何去平衡他的??与进入广阔,复杂的世界East River的机会。

20. partial什么意思

20. Partial correlation analysis between ears per hectare, grains per ear and 1000-grain weight and yield indicated that each factor related to the yield showed significantly positive relationships to yie...

3啤酒大麦新品种苏啤4号在盐城地区的播种期为10月24-30日,在施氮量为纯氮210 kg/hm2、基本苗为240万/hm2左右的栽培条件下能获得高产。

partial 词典解释

1. 部分的;不完全的

You use partial to refer to something that is not complete or whole.

e.g. He managed to reach a partial agreement with both republics.


e.g. ...a partial ban on the use of cars in the city.


2. 喜欢的;偏爱的

If you are partial to something, you like it.


e.g. He's partial to sporty women with blue eyes...


e.g. Mollie confesses she is rather partial to pink...



He has a great partiality for chocolate biscuits.


3. 偏袒的;偏心的

Someone who is partial supports a particular person or thing, for example in a competition or dispute, instead of being completely fair.

e.g. I might be accused of being partial...


e.g. A newspaper criticized the president's proposal, saying that it was partial to Israel.



She is criticized by some others for her one-sidedness and partiality.

还有一些人批评她片面、偏心。partial 单语例句

1. Their leaders have promised to give Sunni Arabs a prominent role in politics, but sectarian tensions and haggling have dragged on since the partial cabinet was announced.

2. But it took haggling politicians three months to form a partial cabinet, emboldening insurgents who have stepped up attacks since the government was formed.

3. Most speakers said the document was partial but still represented progress at the climate summit held in the resort city Cancun on Mexico's Caribbean coast.

4. Chafer said the upcoming launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California would carry the partial remains of up to 150 people.

5. Partial blockages can cause chest pain as the heart struggles to get by on less oxygen and nutrients than it needs.

6. Partial data available for the second half makes clear 2012 did not avoid overall decline.

7. Iraqi officials Thursday released the first partial returns from national elections, showing a commanding lead by candidates backed by the Shiite Muslim clergy.

8. When economic reforms started 25 years ago, lending began a partial shift toward commercial terms.

9. The commission plans to release partial results each day the next several days.

10. The government should make a total compensation for the local loss, not a partial compensation.

partial 英英释义


1. a harmonic with a frequency that is a multiple of the fundamental frequency

Synonym: overtonepartial tone

2. the derivative of a function of two or more variables with respect to a single variable while the other variables are considered to be constant

Synonym: partial derivative


1. being or affecting only a part

not total

e.g. a partial description of the suspect

partial collapse

a partial eclipse

a partial monopoly

partial immunity

2. showing favoritism