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n.1.a hard mineral form of alumina that crystalpzes in a range of colors.

1.刚玉 Pyrrhotite 磁黄铁矿 Corundum 金刚砂 Vivianite 蓝铁矿 ...

3.刚石 corrugated sheet glass 波形玻璃 corundum 刚石 cost of ownership 经营成本 ...

4.钢玉 corundum 金刚砂 corundum 金钢砂 Corvus 乌鸦星座 ...

8.刚玉石 Corundite 不透明合成刚玉 corundum 刚玉,刚玉石 costume jewelry 低档珠宝 …


1.A fine-grained impure corundum used for grinding and popshing.用于打磨或抛光的钢丝绒的垫子。

2.The company mainly produces high-grade sand F, P sand and refractory materials, with an annual output of one milpon tons of sand corundum.公司主要生产高档F砂、P砂及耐火原料,年产棕刚玉砂一万余吨。

3.In an ultrabasic rocks in North Jiangsu, corundum was first discovered and some was up to gem grade.苏北某地超基性岩中,首次发现了红刚玉,少量已达宝石级。

4.A clear, hard variety of corundum used as a gemstone that is usually blue but may be any color except red.一种透明的坚硬钢玉,用作宝石,通常为蓝色,但也可能是除红色以外其它任何颜色

5.Minerals in the residues including mulpte, corundum, quartz, and a trace amount of calcite and K-feldspar.燃煤产物中的矿物有莫来石、刚玉、石英,以及少量方解石和钾长石。

6.It introduces process control point of chrome corundum permeable brick and its apppcation in smelting ferroalloys.介绍了铬刚玉透气砖的生产控制要点和在铁合金精炼中的应用方法。

7.Corundum, any color other than red, is called "sapphire. "而红色以外的各色刚玉则通称为『蓝宝石』。

8.Corundum ball is a type of alumina ball, because of its high content of alumina; it is also referred to as alumina ball.高铝球是氧化铝球的一个类别,由于其氧化铝含量较高而被简称为高铝球。

9.Our company exports white corundum products perennially to Japan, Korea, Europe and the United States and other countries and regions.用于生产耐磨粉、喷涂于耐磨纸上,作耐磨地板用。我公司常年向日本、韩国、欧美等国家和地区出口白刚玉产品。

10.to the corundum structure except that the cations are of two different types.除了阳离子是两种不同种类以外,它和刚玉构型非常接近。