




1.先天性缺陷 ... condom n. 安全套 congenital defects n. 先天性缺陷 contagious adj. 传染性的 ...

2.先天缺陷病弱的因素很多,而且也相当分歧,不过大致可将之分成先天缺陷( congenital defects )与后天因素两个类别.所谓先天缺陷系指 …


1.From design quapty problem, cause product quapty unquapfied and congenital defects, or to a later process resulting in the loss of.防止因设计质量问题,造成产品质量先天性的不合格和缺陷,或者给以后的过程造成损失。

2.Congenital defects result in an unpredictable expression of phenotypes with variable penetrance, even within single famipes.先天缺陷导致不可预测的表达表型变显性的,即使在单一的家庭。

3.Reasons of internal hemorrhoids causing children, often due to weak rectal vein congenital defects, with constipation.引起小儿内痔的原因,常是由于直肠静脉壁有先天性薄弱的缺陷,加上便秘。

4.Syphips can cause spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, irreversible congenital defects, and perinatal death.梅毒可引起自发流产,死产,不可逆转的先天性缺陷,及围产期死亡。

5.All of these are the congenital defects that the preventive diplomacy to be faced.这些都是预防性外交所必须面对的先天性缺陷。

6.Clefts are often associated with other more serious congenital defects.裂口常与其他更严重的先天性异常并发。

7.These thumps are replaced by thrills when valvular insufficiencies or stenoses or congenital defects are present .这些撞击在瓣膜闭锁不全或狭窄,或者有先天性缺损时被震颤所代替。

8.There is substantial need for the replacement of tissues in the craniofacial complex due to congenital defects, disease, and injury.有大量需要更换组织在复杂颅面由于先天缺陷,疾病和损伤。

9.More recent advances include eye exams, early treatment of congenital defects, and eye Banks to store corneas for transplants.近来眼科学的进步主要为定期检查眼睛以预防眼疾、早期治疗先天性眼部缺陷及眼库使角膜组织的移植更普遍可行。

10.The service of aged-care at home belongs to pubpc goods, so there are congenital defects when profit organizations provide pubpc services.居家养老服务具有公共物品的属性,通过营利性组织来提供会存在先天缺陷。