

bent:[英 [bent] 美 [bɛnt] ]



bent 基本解释


形容词弯曲的; 决心的; 腐败的; 同性恋

名词爱好,癖好; [建]排架; 剪股颖属草; [植]梗草,荒草地



bent 相关例句


1. He was bent on making them happy.



1. bent

1. He has a bent for art.


2. bent

2. She has a natural bent for music.


bent 网络解释

1. bent的意思

1. 弯曲的:如果班塔维亚先生(Bentavagnia)鼻子很大,你可以看见鼻子位置上是弯曲的(bent)风向标(vane). 普西瓦先生(Pukczyva)眼睛突出,确实看见颤抖的(shivering)曲棍球圆盘(pucks)从他的眼睛飞出,打中你的脸. 或者,他的眼睛是颤抖的曲棍球圆盘.

2. 生命中不能承受之情:在百老汇的剧目(Bent)中他扮演的战俘为他赢得了1980年的戏剧世界奖. 回到了好莱坞后,领衔主演的电影(American Gigolo)和(An Officer and a Gentleman) ...

3. 生命中不可承受之情:Dogs):同志青年追求一个浪漫快乐的夏天 我们四个(The Sum of Us):同志子女如何与父母相处 生命中不可承受之情(Bent):纳粹时代同志大屠杀中的感人爱情故事 军官与男孩(For the Lost Soldier):会让很多男同志想起自己的初恋,

4. bent:bnt.; 弯屈

bent 双语例句

1. The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted.


2. In a long military coat, with his enormously stout figure and bent back, with his white head uncovered, and his blind white eye, conspicuous in his puffy face, Kutuzov walked with his waddling swaying gait into the ring and stood behind the priest.


3. bent

3. Wilfulness: Obstinately bent on having one's own way.


4. His back bent from childhood because of problems need to be installed in the leg Orthosis.


5. bent的翻译

5. In addition, the factory produces leveling ruler, square chest, bent plate, V-shape frame, sizing block, marble plate, and measuring tools which are used with plate.



6. The Orante indicates the postures favoured by the early Christians, standing with hands extended, as Christ on the Cross, according to Tertullian; or with hands raised towards heaven, with bowed heads, or, for the faithful, with eyes raised toward heaven, and, for the catechumens, with eyes bent on the earth; prostration, kneeling, genuflection, and such gestures as striking the breast are all outward signs of the reverence proper for prayer, whether in public or private.

该orante表明姿态,赞成由早期的基督徒,常委,双手延长,正如基督在十字架上,根据良;或与举手向天,与鞠躬元首,或者是为忠诚,与对眼睛所提出的天堂,为慕道者,与眼睛一意孤行,对地球;虚脱,跪在地上,genuflection ,这种姿态令人惊奇的乳房都是向外的迹象,该崇敬适当的祈祷,无论是在公共或私人。

7. The role of these muscles is to extend the leg from a bent position.


8. Then he bent over the patient to start the operation.


9. Stupp R, Mason WP, van den Bent MJ, et al: Concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide and radiotherapy for newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme: conclusive results of a randomized phase III trial by the EORTC Brain and RT Groups and YCIC Clinical Trials Group.


10. bent是什么意思

10. Last night Bessi had bent his rim so the air got out, making a flat. After taking off the tire Dagur is able to use a sledge hammer to get it back into proper shape, stopping the leak.


11. The man bent down and picked up the book from the floor.


12. bent什么意思

12. I have a Turkish abrish arrow and it looks like the feather was steamed and the web bent at right angles half way up.


13. The courtly world rose to its feet and bent forward.


14. My sandy-haired, gap-toothed 6-year-old daughter got a pair of cleated black shoesand shin guards so that she could attend soccer camp this month, which she wants to do because her pal Charlie Hooley is going and that is how the teig is bent around here.


15. And balanced curvature of Bottom Hole Asembly with PDM can be determinded. This paper calculated the side force at the bit of Φ 120mm 和Φ165mm PDM with bent housing under the different parameter of structure then bent angle and the position of the bend sub, the diameter and the position of the stabilizer(s, the geometrical parameter of the well bore (the inclination at the bit, the curvature of the well bore), the parameter of the drilling technics (primarily the weight on the bit).


16. The starry diamond upon her white fingers flashed hither and thither amongst the tea-things, and she bent her pretty head over the marvelous Indian tea-caddy of sandal-wood and silver, with as much earnestness as if life held no higher purpose than the infusion of Bohea.


17. I bent down to lift the Nestle Kit Kat music box will be little away on the music stopped, and then I let go bad, blessings and songs rang.


18. While conversing in the most natural and tranquil manner in the world with the white-haired man, she bent upon Marius all the reveries of a virginal and passionate eye.


19. I still held her one hand, and as the music faded away bowed slightly from the waist, bent and kissed the back of her hand.


20. Turning his back to the sun he bent over far to a table of rock and scribbled words.


bent 词典解释


2. 折断的;弯曲的;变形的

If an object is bent, it is damaged and no longer has its correct shape.

e.g. The trees were all bent and twisted from the wind.


3. (人)驼背的

If a person is bent, their body has become curved because of old age or disease.

e.g. ...a bent, frail, old man.


4. (尤指做不好的事情)决意的,下定决心的

If someone is bent on doing something, especially something harmful, they are determined to do it.

e.g. He's bent on suicide.


5. 才能;爱好;禀赋

If you have a bent for something, you have a natural ability to do it or a natural interest in it.

e.g. His bent for natural history directed him towards his first job.


6. 信仰

If someone is of a particular bent, they hold a particular set of beliefs.

e.g. ...economists of a socialist bent.


7. (官员等)不正直的,贪赃枉法的

If you say that someone in a position of responsibility is bent, you mean that they are dishonest or do illegal things.

e.g. ...this bent accountant.


8. 同性恋的(可能具冒犯意味)

Homosexuals are sometimes described as bent. This use could cause offence.

9. (疼或笑得)弯了腰,直不起腰(美国英语中亦用 bent over double)

If someone is bent double, the top part of their body is leaning forward towards their legs, usually because they are in great pain or because they are laughing a lot. In American English, you can also say that someone is bent over double.


e.g. He left the courtroom on the first day bent double with stomach pain.


bent 单语例句

1. Sharon has failed so far to forge an ad hoc majority to defeat Likud rebels and religious rightists bent on forcing early elections.

2. America sees China as an adversary, bent on taking what Americans have.

3. The crop can be just as profitable as opium but draws none of the scrutiny from Afghan officials bent on eradicating poppies.

4. " I walked into the dressing room and straight away Fabio said don't worry about it, " Bent said.

5. The menu is mostly " eclectic urban Chinese " with a Taiwanese bent.

6. He touched his mother's face and bent down on his knees to pay his respects.

7. But Abbas has been defied by militants, including some from his Fatah faction and Islamists bent on destroying Israel.

8. Alas, not all who have rushed to mine the profits of poverty are bent on altruism.

9. Also a gas tank used for inflating balloons was bent out of shape due to the terrible blast.

10. The king bent over the cauldron and the assassin seized the opportunity to decapitate him, his head falling into the cauldron alongside Chi's.

bent 英英释义


1. a special way of doing something

e.g. he had a bent for it

he had a special knack for getting into trouble

he couldn't get the hang of it

Synonym: knackhang

2. a relatively permanent inclination to react in a particular way

e.g. the set of his mind was obvious

Synonym: set

3. an area of grassland unbounded by fences or hedges

4. grass for pastures and lawns especially bowling and putting greens

Synonym: bent grassbent-grass



1. of metal e.g.

e.g. bent nails

a car with a crumpled front end

dented fenders

Synonym: crumpleddented

2. used of the back and knees


e.g. on bended knee

with bent (or bended) back

Synonym: bended

3. fixed in your purpose

e.g. bent on going to the theater

dead set against intervening

out to win every event

Synonym: bent on(p)dead set(p)out to(p)