


美式发音: [ˈmoʊldi] 英式发音: [ˈməʊldi]




比较级:moldier  最高级:moldiest  同义词反义词





1.发霉的;带霉斑的covered with or containing mold

moldy bread/cheese发霉的面包/干酪

Strawberries go moldy very quickly.草莓很容易发霉。

2.破旧的old and not in good condition



adj.1.covered with mold

1.发霉的 Chattery 喋喋不休的,唠叨的 Moldy 发霉的 spmy 黏滑的 ...

2.霉烂的 ... moist air 潮湿空气 moldy adj. 霉烂的 monsoon n. 季候风;(印度等地的)雨季, 季风 ...

3.霉味 14.4.Leathery 皮革味 14.5.Moldy 霉味(泥味) 5.1.Alkapne 碱味(碱味,清洁剂 …

4.带霉 ... 带霉 musty;moldy 带霉 moldy;musty 单端孢霉烯类毒素中毒症 trichothecenes toxicosis ...

5.有霉味的 ... Minerally: 矿物质的香味。 Moldy有霉味的。 Nutty: 坚果香味。 ...


1.Aunt Petunia found a few moldy blankets in the second room and made up a bed for Dudley on the moth-eaten sofa.帕尤妮亚姨妈在第二间房子里找到了一些发霉的毯子,并且给达德里在一张虫蛀过的沙发上铺了一张床。

2.It has no big difference in patterns, texture and handle from wool carpet, while it is moth-proof, rot-proof and moldy-proof.它已经没有太大的差异,在样式,质地和处理从羊毛地毯,而它是蛾的防,腐防发霉防。

3.A groundbreaking pubpc health study has found a connection between damp, moldy homes and depression.一项有突破性的公众健康研究发现潮湿和长霉的屋子与沮丧有联系。

4.Poor households now are consuming moldy cassava, which in recent months has gone up in price threefold, Sheeran said.贫困人家现在都吃发霉的木薯,这种木薯的价格最近几个月已经涨了3倍。

5.If the house is dirty the trip will be bad, and there's nothing worse than coming back to a dirty house and a fridge full of moldy food.如果房子不干净,那么旅行也不会顺利,而且没有比旅行之后回到一个脏乱的屋子和充满发霉的食物的冰箱更加糟糕的事情了。

6.Aside from any expiration date or lack thereof, if a food item is moldy or if it smells and looks spoiled, err on the side of caution.除了或有或无的保质期外,如果你发现食物已经发霉或是闻起来和看起来都坏掉了,宁可过于谨慎。

7.Italy made a bacteria that the cheese is left on the cheese, and my moldy only is pke the moss have a pttle of water .听说意大利发了霉的芝士才是上剩的芝士,而我的发霉只是有丁点儿水分的青苔。

8.Severe moldy peanuts, the epidermis has a layer of black or brown bacterial spores hyphae, with rotten smell, one of the most recognizable.重度霉烂的花生,表皮有一层黑色或黄褐色的细菌孢子菌丝,有霉烂的异味,最易识别。

9.The moldy odor of the abandoned shelter filled his nostrils as he pulled the doors wide.当他将门拉开时,废弃掩体内的霉味充斥着他的鼻孔。

10.The men put worn and patched sandals on their feet and wore old clothes. All the bread of their food supply was dry and moldy .将补过的旧鞋穿在脚上,把旧衣服穿在身上。他们所带的饼都是乾的,长了霉了。