


美式发音: [ˈkwaɪr] 英式发音: [ˈkwaɪə(r)]






1.[cspv](教堂的)唱诗班;(公开演出的)合唱团,歌唱队a group of people who sing together, for example in church services or pubpc performances

She sings in the school choir.她是校合唱队的成员。

2.[c](教堂)唱诗席the part of a church where the choir sits during services


n.1.a group of singers who perform together, for example in a church or school2.the part of a church where the choir performs

1.唱诗班 choleric ? adj. 易怒的,暴躁的 choir ? n. 唱诗班 chord ? n. 和弦 ...

2.合唱团 chimes 排钟 choir 合唱团 choral music 合唱音乐 ...

3.合奏 quintet 五重奏,五重唱 choir,choral society 合奏,合唱 musical forms 音乐形式 ...

4.合唱队 bishop n. 主教 choir n. 合唱队;唱诗班 motivation n. 动机;积极性 ...

5.歌唱队 choreography n. 舞蹈,舞蹈编排 choir n. (教堂的)歌唱队 chorus n. 合唱队,歌舞团 ...

6.唱诗班的席位 choice n. 选择;抉择 choir n. 唱诗班,唱诗班的席位 chopsticks n. 筷子 ...


1.Ashanti began to sing in a gospel choir at the age of 6. As she grew, her musical talent developed and with it, appearances followed.亚香缇在6岁时就开始在一个福音唱诗班演唱,随着年龄的增长,她的音乐才能得以发展,而她上台演出的机会也随之而来。

2.On Sunday morning I'd be back in London, heading off to hear the choir in St Paul's Cathedral.周日早上我会赶回伦敦,去圣保罗教堂听唱诗班。

3.I was kind of afraid I wouldn't remember my pnes if I was an actor, so I'm going to be in the choir.我是怕我不记得我的台词如果我是个演员,所以我要在合唱团的实物。

4.Even though they were the Turtles, it clearly did not mean they were all behaving with the decorum of choir boys.即使他们是海龟,他们也不会像唱诗班的男孩那样知书达理。

5.By this means he had become acquainted with the organist, and the ultimate result was that he joined the choir as a bass voice.他借那次机会结识了教堂风琴师,后来总算以一个低音部歌手进了唱诗班。

6.As the voice of the choir swelled, the pope bent forward, his head bowed and his hand covering his mouth.当合唱的声音越来越响亮时,教皇鞠躬致意并以手掩面。

7.Though there was no organ in the parish church, it was generally considered (in Blackstable) that the choir he led was the best in Kent.尽管教区教堂没有风琴,可他领导的布莱克斯塔布尔唱诗班被公认为是肯特郡最出色的唱诗班了。

8.Tommy Dillon, who had joined the choir, came singing up the stairs and down the corridor, his chant growing louder as he approached room F.汤米·狄伦,刚加入唱诗班,边唱上楼梯,唱下走廊去,他越靠近F号房,歌声就越大声。

9.But, I felt in addition only need sob the matter is, teacher only then with me said that my CCA is not CHOIR, after I hear, must cry.可是,唯一另我感到要哭泣的事情就是,老师才和我说我的CCA不是CHOIR,我听到后,要哭了。

10.Catherine Hayes, a member of the choir who works in human resources, says it allows her to maintain an interest from her student years.合唱团成员、在人力资源部工作的凯瑟琳•海斯(CatherineHayes)表示,这让她可以继续学生时代的兴趣。