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1.黑面的 black-eyed 黑眼珠的 black-faced 黑面的 black-letter 倒霉的 ...

2.黑脸的 ... warm-blooded horse 温血马 black-faced 黑脸的 albino 白化马 ...

3.黑脸色的 black-eyed 黑眼珠的 black-faced 黑脸色的 black-letter 倒楣的 ...

4.有忧色的 black-eyed: 黑眼圈 black-faced: 有忧色的 black-letter: 倒霉的 ...

5.黑脸鸬鹚 ... 皮岛鸬鹚( Pitt Island shag) 黑脸鸬鹚( black-faced ) 印度鸬鹚( Indian cormorant) ...


1.We also saw some herons , egrets of all sizes. Even though we did not see the "legendary" black-faced spoonbills, but we were still happy.我们还有看到一些水鸟如苍鹭,大、中、小白鹭等,虽然没有看到「传说中」黑面琵鹭,但我们还是很高兴。

2.The sound of the train startled a black-faced herd, which scurried toward the hills.火车的声响惊动了一群黑面羊,羊群纷纷快步朝山的方向跑去。

3.Village disciples said to be the first one black-faced farmer, as he on the go.一弟子说是村东头一个黑脸的农民,因为他忙个不停。

4.Looking forward, there were a great many black-faced sheep chewing grass quietly on the green-colored mountains.放眼望去,在那绿色的山丘上有许多黑脸的绵羊。它们正在惬意地吃草。

5.The Black-faced Spoonbill is a large white wading bird with a distinctively shaped beak - looking pke a spoon, or a pi pa.黑脸琵鹭是大型涉禽,身上长满白色羽饰,鸟喙形状独特,成匙状,又似琵琶。

6.The Black-faced Spoonbill is a endangered species - this means that it is in danger of extinction.黑脸琵鹭属濒危物种,意谓物种有绝种的危险。

7.Latest satelpte information showing the location of the Black-faced Spoonbills.显示黑脸琵鹭位置的最新卫星资料。

8.When disturbed, a group of black-faced spoonbills will all pft their heads and look in the direction the sound came from.受到惊吓的黑面琵鹭会集体抬头,向声音来源处注视。

9.Because the tides, the mud flats near the island where many migratory birds will stay, especially the black-faced spoonbill.因为水退时,小岛泥滩旁有很多候鸟会在该处停留,尤其是黑面琵鹭。

10.their graceful poise, which have earned them the nickname of " Black-faced dancer. "黑面琵鹭以优美的姿态闻名,赢得「面舞者」雅号。