




1.兰德克雷白氏菌(KLEBSIELLA PNEUMONIAE)传染所致之肺脏急性炎症。此菌首先由弗利兰德氏(FRIEDLANDER)于1882年自一 …


1.Britain's seizure of its Singer and Friedlander subsidiary destroyed the larger bank, as covenants on loan agreements were activated.英国查封了其在英国的Singer&Friedlander子公司,触发了贷款协议中的一些条款,导致母公司被摧毁。

2."We are the first solution that can be downloaded to a phone, " Tawkon co-founder and CEO Gil Friedlander said.Tawkon的联合创办人兼CEO称:“我们提供了第一个可以下载到手机上的解决方案。”

3.Friedlander, Eva. "Review of India Cabaret. " Society for Visual Anthropology Newsletter (Fall 1988).回顾印度酒馆〉,收录于《影视人类学社电子报》,(1988年秋季号)。

4."We don't want people to stop using phones but to use them more responsibly, " the Canadian-born Friedlander, 44, said.出生于加拿大、现年44岁的弗里德兰德说:“我们并不是希望人们不再使用手机,而是希望大家更认真负责地使用。”

5.But they tend to leak and develop alternating pockets of air and water, Mr. Friedlander said.弗里德兰德先生说,但是它们发生了泄漏,变成了水气混合的状况。

6.Mr Friedlander thinks the spike in yields is mainly explained by surging supply.Friedlander认为,收益骤增的主要原因是供给骤增。

7.As a result, municipal defaults should remain low relative to similarly rated corporate credit, argues Mr.Friedlander先生认为,最终市政债券的违约率相对类似评级的公司债券而言应该是比较低的。

8.The raw, black-and-white image, taken by Lee Friedlander in 1979, will be auctioned February 12.这件拍品是一幅未经加工的黑白照片,由李·弗里德兰德摄于1979年,将于2月12日正式登场被拍卖。

9.The process takes a full 12 hours in a reactor that is operating normally, Mr. Friedlander said.弗里德兰德先生说,正常工作的反应堆中的这个过程耗时整整12个小时。

10."There are simple things you can do such as changing the phone's position from horizontal to vertical, " Friedlander said.弗里德兰德说:“你可以做一些简单的事情,例如将手机的位置从水平变为垂直。”