

generic:[英 [dʒəˈnerɪk] 美 [dʒəˈnɛrɪk] ]



generic 基本解释


形容词一般的; 类的,属性的; 不受商标保护的; [生]属的,类的

名词同“a generic drug

generic 反义词


generic 网络解释

1. 一般的:至于展开型博弈,由于一般的(generic)展开型博弈的策略型表示并非一定是一般的,问题会变得复杂. 但我们相信这种复杂性反而会加强我们关于帕雷托最优结果不容易在博弈中达到的判断.

2. 泛指:联合是两个类之间的最泛指(generic)的关系,由一个联系两个类的直线表示.这条线可以由联系的类型所qualified,也能表示一些multiplicity规则(比如 1对1, 1对多,多对多)

generic 双语例句

1. This is a generic term for a liqueur with almond flavor and a minimum of 15% alcohol and 100 grams of sugar per liter.

这是一个利口酒与杏仁味的通用术语,每升含有最低的15 %酒精和100克的糖。

2. The facts are pointed out that the R-WGA operator is the generic form of the WGA operator and R-WGA operator can act as the aggregate tools of the multiple attributes decision-making problems like the Choquet integral.


3. generic

3. So as well as using the same paperwork for every deal we do, we''ve commissioned generic angel paperwork that all the startups we fund can use for future rounds.


4. This is generic function to trace out the contents of a packet.


5. Isis simulation inside a document, the function is generic, we want to help.


6. How we can write a generic function/algorithm in a seamless manner?


7. This is a generic function; each skin is listed as string with each layer separated by commas.


8. generic

8. So you need to write these in such a manner that - generic function should behave seamlessly for any kind of iterator.


9. The style of this method is typical of many: we construct a new kind of object, and then apply the original generic function to this object.


10. generic的解释

10. The Graph library's depth_first_search algorithm is a generic function accepting from one to four arguments by reference.

Graph库的 depth_first_search 算法是一个泛型函数,它接受一到四个引用参数。

11. generic的解释

11. Secondly, we give the parameters needed for interface selection in HWN. It needs a generic valuation function for various parameters, so we propose DWMIS, which can integrate various parameters.


12. generic的翻译

12. This requirement may be satisfied by the submission of information such as the following: name (generic name, chemical name, code number Chemical Abstracts Service number if available; description (e. g., appearance, color, physical state molecular formula and molecular weight; structural formula (including ionic state if applicable stereochemistry identifying chiral centers, cis-trans isomerism, etc.

该要求可以通过提供下述信息来满足:名称(通用名、化学名、编码等)、化学摘要服务编码、性状描述(如:外观、颜色、物理状态)、分子式和分子重量、结构式、立体化学(找出手性中心、顺式反式异性等)、对映结构体比率(如:外消旋物、规定的异构体、对映异构物和固态形式的混合物)、溶解度概况、分配系数、溶液 pH 值、解离常数、熔点或沸点、折射率、比重。

13. The. NET Common Language Runtime creates a specialized copy of the native code for each generic type instantiation with a value type, but shares a single copy of the native code for all reference types (since, at the native code level, references are just pointers with the same representation).

Net 公共言吾言运垳时为每個徝类型菂泛型创建弌個专门菂本地笩碼拷贝。但会为葰有引苚类型共享弌個单独菂本地笩碼拷贝。(因为,在本地笩碼层次,引苚禾扣指针就湜同弌表礻

14. generic

14. In order to improve the performance and service life of joint sealant for airport concrete pavement, observations were carried out on elastic recovery of 7 sealants subjected to 4 weathering conditions, the elastic recovery of three generic types of sealants of monocomponent and bicomponent polysulfide, monocomponent and bicomponent polyurethane, and monocomponent silicone were analyzed and compared.



15. Fosamax is now available in generic form as alendronate.



16. Sgasm - sgasm is a simple, generic, portable, retargetable assembler. It is written in C, is extremely easy to configure, and is very fast.


17. He explained a firm could and should get its competitive advantage through one of the three generic strategies.



18. Lets take a look at one of these generic views: the object list view.


19. Cost leadership strategy is one of the four generic business-level strategies.


20. generic的反义词

20. To this end, the assignment tasks adopted should cover one or more of the curriculum content areas and one or more of the generic skills such as creativity, critical thinking, communication skills and problem-solving skills.


generic 词典解释

1. 一般的;普通的;通用的

You use generic to describe something that refers or relates to a whole class of similar things.

e.g. Parmesan is a generic term used to describe a family of hard Italian cheeses.



I will refer to child abuse generically (which includes physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and neglect).


...something generically called 'rock 'n' roll'.


2. 无注册商标的;非专利的

A generic drug or other product is one that does not have a trademark and that is known by a general name, rather than the manufacturer's name.

e.g. They encourage doctors to prescribe cheaper generic drugs instead of more expensive brand names.


3. 寻常的;一般的;普通的

People sometimes use generic to refer to something that is exactly typical of the kind of thing mentioned, and that has no special or unusual characteristics.

e.g. ...generic California apartments, the kind that have white walls and white drapes and were built five years ago.


generic 单语例句

1. Generic printer cartridges are at the center of an overseas patent dispute.

2. At least 97 per cent of chemical medicine produced in China is generic.

3. Health activists had blasted the proposed pact because of the additional requirements and some developing country makers of generic drugs also expressed skepticism.

4. The generic industry colloquial term for this damage is " ramp rash ", or " hangar rash ".

5. Unless the drugs become generic, they cannot be manufactured in developing countries without the pharmaceuticals'permission.

6. The study found that fewer people who were given the generic drug voglibose went on to develop diabetes compared to those who received placebo.

7. He said the new drugs can be easily synthesized in shabby labs using ingredients that include generic medicines.

8. There are ways to find out about what's coming up around town so you don't end up dishing out door money at some generic club.

9. Chinese scientists have full intellectual property rights of the drug, quite rare in the pharmaceutical industry dominated by generic drug production.

10. When asked why they like the role or company they are applying for, many candidates we have met give very generic and unconvincing answers.

generic 英英释义


1. any product that can be sold without a brand name

2. a wine that is a blend of several varieties of grapes with no one grape predominating

a wine that does not carry the name of any specific grape

Synonym: generic wine


1. applicable to an entire class or group

e.g. is there a generic Asian mind?

2. (of drugs) not protected by trademark

e.g. `Acetaminophen' is the generic form of the proprietary drug `Tylenol'

3. relating to or common to or descriptive of all members of a genus

e.g. the generic name