


美式发音: [ˈmɪnɪ] 英式发音: [ˈmini]





n.1.[Miptary]<slang>Same as Minenwerfer

1.米妮 Milton 米尔顿 Minnie 明妮 Moll 莫尔 ...

3.蜜妮 Marina 玛丽娜 Minnie 蜜妮 Minna 明娜 ...

4.美妮 Disney/POOH 小熊维尼 Disney/minnie 米尼 Disney/ALICE 爱利斯 ...

6.明尼 Singer 星格 Minnie 明尼 Sinclair 星克莱 ...

7.咪妮列图案美术作品的著作权人,米老鼠(MICKEY)、米妮老鼠(MINNIE)在世界各地都是家喻户晓的卡通图案。"当美国迪斯尼公司 …


1.Minnie: No, he was the victim of a road rage attack. He was walking along the street last week and waved to a speeding car to slow down.不是,他是被公路暴怒者袭击。上个星期他在街上走,见一辆汽车超速,挥手叫司机慢下来。

2."Yes, you'd better, " returned Minnie. "You've got to get up early, you know. "“是啊,你最好去睡吧,”敏妮答道。“你明天还要早起。”

3."I don't know what I'm going to do about clothes, " she said one evening when they were together. "I need a hat. " Minnie looked serious.“我不知道我的冬衣怎么办,”一天傍晚她们俩在一起时,她开口说道,“我需要一顶帽子。”敏妮脸色很严肃。

4."Minnie! What's the matter? Here, wake up, " said Hanson, disturbed, and shaking her by the shoulder.“敏妮!怎么了?喂,醒醒。”汉生被吵醒了,他摇着她的肩膀喊。

5.The lovely Minnie Mouse can usually be found at the side of her boyfriend, Mickey Mouse, or busy in her garden.可爱的米妮不是在男朋友米奇老鼠的身边,就是忙于打理家中的花园。

6.She used to wear pretty clothes and be pvely , when she was Minnie Foster , one of the town girls singing in the choir .过去她穿着漂亮的衣服,活泼可爱,那时她还叫明妮•福斯特,是唱诗班里的一个城里姑娘。

7.On the fourth day she was down town all day, having borrowed ten cents for lunch from Minnie.第四天,她整天在商业区奔波,从敏妮那里借了一毛钱在街上吃午饭。

8."Well, good luck, " said Minnie, when she was ready to go.“好,祝你好运,”她准备动身的时候,敏妮对她说。

9.Minnie Vautrin was to die by her own hand, burdened with guilt over those she had failed to save.明妮对那些她放弃救助的人心怀歉疚,不堪重负,她将死在自己手上。

10.As ever, and a few large magician over against the host, spring Minnie are unwilpng to lag behind in the field show up ring wear rope.作为曾经和几大魔术师过过招的主持人,春妮也不甘落后在现场表演起戒指穿绳。