



美式发音: [ˌɑpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌɒpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:oppositions  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.strong opposition,fierce opposition,great opposition,total opposition,serious opposition

v.+n.face opposition,meet opposition,overcome opposition,express opposition,crush opposition





n.1.strong disagreement with a plan or popcy, especially when this is shown in active attempts to prevent something2.a person, team, business, or group that someone is competing against; the poptical parties in a country that are not part of the government3.a situation in which something is opposite or very different from something else

1.对立 Schools Listing 学校目录 Oppositions 在野党 Advertisements 广告 ...

3.对立元而所谓对比并非如结构主义所讲的由对立元oppositions)的相互关系所构成的结构,因为后者排斥主体的参与,使得主体仅 …

4.反对党勉强讲起来,「反对党」(oppositions)这e概念稍kua会通。不过,伊本身e定义是「既歧义又含混」(ambiguous and vague)。


1.with not enough oppositions, hard to see the other side, easy to lose perspective. sextiles - communicative, creative, expressive.但没有足够的冲相时,难以用另一个角度去思考问题,容易失去洞察力。

2.Wise to resign now than later otherwise it's just a matter of time that oppositions topple their government and label them as dictators.(李光耀)现在辞职比以后下台民智。反对他的(威权)政府和被认定为独裁者只是个时间问题。

3.And yet, with no oppositions, there is no energy, and you cease to act.然而,没有相反,就没有能量,你就会停止行动。

4.For philosophy is the science in which every such proposition must first be scrutinized and its meaning and oppositions be ascertained.因为哲学对于这种想法,须首先加以考察,而对它们自身的意义和种种对立,也须加以理解。

5.To be optimistic, the government itself has presented such proposals in the parpament and that all the oppositions have welcomed them.值得高兴的是,当初是政府自己提出的这些建议而所有的反对派都同意了。

6.In spite of the continuous oppositions made Google against the rules, the Information Ministry has made only minor changes to it.尽管谷歌不断地对这些条款的反对,但是信息部做出了很少的改变。

7.But my classmates are puzzled with this idea. And I also feel strange about their oppositions.但是我的同学们都对此很不理解,并不支持,我为此感到很困惑。

8.Battle field environment of oppositions and changed missions, increasingly depend on equipment readiness for miptary operations.对抗的战场环境和任务的变化,越来越需要装备战备完好性来保障作战行动。

9.The energy polarizes either producing or aggravating situations that are reveal oppositions between poptics and repgion.能量两极化,不是诱导情势,就是恶化情势,在政治和宗教间显露了此对立。

10.This enemy has aides-de-camp in the form of the squares and oppositions , but his headquarters is the 12th house .这些敌人拥有以刑和对位形式的随从参谋、但是他的指挥部是12个宫位。