

tragic:[英 [ˈtrædʒɪk] 美 [ˈtrædʒɪk] ]


tragic 基本解释

形容词悲惨的; 悲剧的

tragic 同义词


tragic 反义词



tragic 相关例句



1. She related the event in a tragic voice.


2. He distinguished himself as a tragic actor.


3. I was shocked by the news of the tragic death of his twin brother.


tragic 网络解释

1. 悲剧的:14 B 逻辑推理前后照应 此外,因为人们不愿意看关于普通的日常生活的报道,报纸的内容还必须具有戏剧性(dramatic)色彩,而不仅仅只是悲剧的(tragic),敏感的(sensitive),报道不要太专业化(professional).

2. 悲剧性:这一令人惊异的结论符合庄子思想对永恒超越的孜孜以求. 这也注定了庄子君主论不可能对现实政治产生什么有效的影响;但它却扣动了许多天才的心弦. 因为它提出了一个困扰人类永远的问题:人的存在是悲剧性(tragic)的吗?

3. 悲惨的:tragedy 悲剧 | tragic 悲惨的 | tragical 悲剧的

tragic 双语例句


1. The most important thing is to realize the tragic significan- ce of the story.


2. Even if I don`t feel uneasy anymore in such dilemma, these leisureliness will never change my tragic awareness of this psychological reality!


3. A political hack made a brutal, thoughtless decision that could not be appealed. And Ms. Pokharel`s baby died. At a time when we`re trying to spread democracy around the globe, let us show the world that we are not hypocrites. Let us show the world that when the government of the United States makes a horrible, tragic mistake, the courts of the United States will make that government pay for it.


4. We also have an ineffable something; a tragic ideal; we`re not simply pulling a plow.


5. In this unusual year, the number of tragic, how many have touched, how many dreams, how much glory there is, bearing in mind the hearts of the people in China, writte...


6. It is almost tragic in a country growing at more than 11% that its stock market halved during the year and has only recently edged up.



7. In this paper, based on previous studies, combined with the background at the time, from the relatively the same as a tragic anti-hero image of Bao Qin Xiang and Chen She, and Sima Qian's hero complex some of the aspects.


8. From his point of view, life is fundamentally painful and it's pain is continuing from generation to generation through sexual intercourses. That's why people who comprehend this tragic instinctively feel shy about sex.


9. He described it as a voice that overflowed with a deep, tragic feeling.


10. tragic在线翻译

10. All's Right with the World describes a few families in Hongkong. Their tragic fates are different in approach but equal in effects, making the audience wander who's who and what's the relationship between them when viewing the film.


11. tragic的意思

11. Yesterday, * ST Amoi published notice of arbitration proceedings it was surprised by this more serious than this is that Amoi losses for two consecutive years, if still a loss this year will be suspended for the listing, but seems to have this tragic outcome can not be avoided.


12. In my side, but also there have been many traffic accidents, there is time, I also witnessed the tragic scene of the accident.


13. This is indeed tragic news and a great loss to everyone who knew him.


14. The article discussed the tragic style of Lieder aus Des Knaben Wunderhorn, and analyzed the relationship among the reading, listening and singing, explained the art meaning of the song cycle, try to point out another way to sing Mahler`s Lieder with individual style.


15. Poem in the tragic mood of desolation, provoke us to the ancient customs of the yearning for Cyprus.


16. So he would like an evil, the day he called the more than 1000 artisans, and asked them to drink, and watch Tsurumai until late at night, by the time they are drunk, ordered his officers and men of the more than 1000 individuals were killed when their blood is said to this rock dyed red, every rainy day or a cloudy day when the stone on the special red, rain washed one, as if the blood flow in the down and tell us this tragic story.


17. Themes such as time-travel, prelife and afterlife, love and sacrifice are incorporated in this postmodern tragic-comedy.


18. On the eve of the second anniversary from the tragic death of Alessio Ferramosca and Riccardo Neri, the youngsters left their mark on the important victory against Milan.

在Alessio Ferramosca和Riccardo Neri悲剧两周年的前夜,尤文小将们给这场重要胜利打上了他们的烙印。

19. People today are worship in all kind of false representation to their true God, and the tragic thing is they are thinking they worship in God, but God said do not make image of me.


20. tragic

20. Lin Daiyu's transient life and emotion life, have reflected a kind of lofty tragic value, make people hold one's own wrist and sign.


tragic 词典解释

1. 悲惨的;可悲的;可叹的

A tragic event or situation is extremely sad, usually because it involves death or suffering.


e.g. It was just a tragic accident...


e.g. …the tragic loss of so many lives…



Tragically, she never saw the completed building because she died before it was finished...


My father died very suddenly and very tragically.


2. 悲剧的

Tragic is used to refer to tragedy as a type of literature.


e.g. ...Michael Henchard, the tragic hero of 'The Mayor of Casterbridge'.


tragic 单语例句

1. It doesn't help that the story forces a tragic final act on the duo that simply does not ring true.

2. Onegin employs Cranko's distinctive choreographic style to capture the original story's emotional intensity, potent drama and tragic ironies with striking fidelity and perceptiveness.

3. The tragic saga begins with an evil eagle that transforms a charming Chinese girl into a white swan.

4. Both police inquiries decided it was a tragic accident because chauffeur Henri Paul was drunk and driving too fast.

5. Your report on July 29 stating that more children in Beijing are becoming addicted to cigarettes is tragic but hardly surprising.

6. They struck a chord with me because they all celebrate tragic love stories of ancient China.

7. This is clear evidence that the chain of tragic events was politically motivated and the Dalai Lama's separatist forces were behind them.

8. Wong's parents later died in the hail of bullets fired by Mendoza, as the hostage crisis came to its tragic climax.

9. Whether these airline disasters prove a part of an organized terrorist attack or are a tragic coincidence is still under investigation.

10. Most likely, our tragic loss was what some term collateral damage.

tragic的解释tragic 英英释义


1. very sad

especially involving grief or death or destruction

e.g. a tragic face

a tragic plight

a tragic accident

Synonym: tragical

2. of or relating to or characteristic of tragedy

e.g. tragic hero