

era:[英 [ˈɪərə] 美 [ˈɪrə] ]



era 基本解释

名词纪元,年代; 历史时期,时代; 重大事件


era 相关例句


1. era的近义词

1. The Christian era is counted from the birth of Christ.


2. Some say the computer has ushered in a new era.


3. The Christian era starts with the birth of Christ.


era 网络解释

1. era

1. 代:之后的下一个时期寒武纪,则是显生宙里的第一代(era)第一纪(period). 埃迪卡拉纪(Ediacaran):国际地质科学联盟(IUGS)在2004年宣布了埃迪卡拉纪的官方定义. 此纪开始于6亿2000万年前,结束于5亿4200万年前,也就是寒武纪开端.

2. 纪元:在科学研究领域纪元(Era)这样的词极少使用,专家们更是慎之又慎. 但是这一次他们好不吝啬地把它放在了中国的这一发现上. Byetta深受患者青睐,使得制造商Amylin制药公司和礼来公司的产品开始供不应求,但是这一产品的不足在于是注射剂.

3. era的翻译

3. era:environmental risk assessment; 环境风险评价

4. era:estrogen receptor alpha; 雌激素受体α

5. era:the european research area; 欧洲研究领域

6. era:explosive reactive armors; 反应装甲

7. era.:earned run average; 投手平均失分

era 双语例句

1. era什么意思

1. Regard reform as the Cenozoic Era, these singletons female main body consciousness is more intense, individual character color is brighter


2. You are home decorations, gifts or relatives and friends, let us link the products on your relatives and friends at the same time also convey the imprint of the era with nostalgia complex and profound significance.


3. As our country`s entering into the WTO, the new economics and the era of Supply Chain`s competition are coming, so the APPC (agricultural products processing company) is facing a new competing environment.


4. This paper aims at drawing a rough outline of the development of Hubei poetry in the new era, which has undergone a process of resurgence, flourishing, transformation and waning.


5. A b s t r a c t: the current world has come into an era of risk society. the states are confronted with huge tension in srtuggling with crimes.


6. Furthermore, information technology and internet accelerate business administration field steps into a new era. Traditionally, measuring corporation value as fiscal and tangible asset been antiquated, the intangible assets such as core-competence, innovation take place. Therefore, scholars propose a new measure methodology—intellectual capital which can explain why the corporation market value surpass book value. This measure methodology will assist high-level managers to identify what is the important asset when corporation faces the competition across internal and external environment systematically. It has become a significant index to evaluate corporation value currently.


7. I say again, the era of big government is over.


8. era在线翻译

8. The era of big government is over.


9. He seems overmatched and nervous. Henn is a nice kid who tries hard but has a 7.53 career ERA over parts of three seasons. Wright allowed a home run to Mike Lowell in April that just now landed on the Mass Pike. That was the end of him.

他看来实力有段差距并且容易紧张;Sean Henn是个努力的好孩子,但他3个球季的ERA 高达7.53;Chase Wright在四月份被红袜的Mike Lowell打的那支全垒打搞不好现在还留在Mass Pike。

10. He, large Song highlights, in the turmoil of the era, let me read loyalty.


11. BARACK OBAMA: I believe we need to usher in a new era of responsibility.


12. era

12. The era of personalization, management cloakroom is in the management of its image.


13. You are the Palace closed on a palace, but only because was born in troubled times, it is doomed to become a victim of the war era.


14. The Christian era 7 centuries early days, the chieftain soft support with crackajack Tibetan regime in ancient China did cloth to unify a lot of tribe over there, patrol of choose a site for the capital some.



15. Among those views, the most prominent are the views related to rise-fall. nationality and situation of era.


16. Chapter 3, titled as new development of JI SHI BEN MO TI in late Qing, is written to narrative origination's background of era at first, suvey the characteritic and the tendence of JI SHI BEN MO TI's developmentSome mastepieces of JI SHI BEN MO TI are chosen to study.


17. A well-developed technology to the contemporary era, the traditional click-and pull-type lighting switches remains the main lighting switches, on the strength of their relatively simple structure, low price and convenience is the installation methodology, firmly occupy the market.


18. We stand at the threshold of a new era.



19. This dissertation is trying to make a systematic introduction on the accreditation system in Scotland, and to analyze the system in the background of era, history and the development on Scotlands education as well.


20. Review on Ancient Novels by Lu Xun involves the tales of marvels from the Three-Kingdom Era to WeiJin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and has gained much attention from the literature field, frequently as well as widely quoted as important historical materials for the development of Chinese novels.


era 词典解释

1. 时代;年代;时期

You can refer to a period of history or a long period of time as an era when you want to draw attention to a particular feature or quality that it has.


e.g. ...the nuclear era...


e.g. ...the Reagan-Bush era...


era 单语例句

1. The death toll from Wednesday's storms seems out of a bygone era, before Doppler radar and pinpoint satellite forecasts were around to warn communities of severe weather.

2. Swing bands, performers and DJs then bring the night alive with sounds from a bygone era.

3. Here, you can still find steam locomotives and experience the romantic charm of a bygone era!

4. Diocletian's reign marked the transition from the Roman to the Byzantine era in Egypt, when a great number of Egyptian Christians were persecuted.

5. He pointed himself out as the man in line furthest from the cam era.

6. He went on to usher in the next era of Canto pop.

7. Such transition is not unusual for the Australian actor hailed for her work ethic, intellect and cool charm emblematic of leading figures of a Hollywood era long gone.

8. " Today will be forever remembered as China's Navy has entered an era of aircraft carrier, " Zhang told Xinhua on the carrier's flight deck.

9. But they did argue that it belongs in the same major evolutionary grouping, and that it showed what an actual ancestor of that era might have looked like.

10. Totem worship reflects religious psychology of the primitive era, for the purpose of seeking fortunes and getting rid of catastrophe.

era 英英释义


1. a major division of geological time

an era is usually divided into two or more periods

Synonym: geological era

2. a period marked by distinctive character or reckoned from a fixed point or event

Synonym: epoch