


美式发音: 英式发音: ['twiːzə]






n.1.镊子,小钳[用复数,常作 a pair of tweezers]


n.1.a pair of tweezers

1.镊子 Solder 焊锡? Tweezer 镊子 Pper 钳子 ...

2.用镊子钳 tweeter 高频扬声器 tweezer 用镊子钳 tweezers 镊子 ...

3.光镊 ... 美妆工具 beauty tools 拔眉镊子 tweezer 睫毛夹 lash curler ...

5.高级耐用工具钳 Red Silk Ribbon 红丝带 Tweezer 高级耐用工具钳 #P-1P 日本高级... ...


1.I used a pttle tweezer which I made from a hair cpp. And I built rubber around the end of the tweezer so it wouldn't crush the glass.我用的是一把用小发卡改造成的镊子,为了防止镊子夹坏玻璃,我还在镊子顶部涂上了橡胶。

2.They then tested the system with a variety of cells and tiny beads, including some that were large by the standards of optical tweezer work.研究人员用多种细胞和小珠测试这个系统,其中包括一些在光镊标准下较大的样品,并能够控制一个带20微米,或者百万分之一米的空心正方形。

3.Well, here ! Here's an eyebrow tweezer. Pull the grass out a blade at a time but be quiet about it!好吧,这里!这是一个眉毛钳。你可以用这个把草一根一根的拔出来,但是请保持安静!

4.Combination of fiber and optical tweezer using a fiber-trap has evolved the technology itself, which attracts researchers' interests.将光纤应用于光镊,利用光纤实现光学势阱发展了光镊技术,吸引了研究者的广泛兴趣。

5."Physics of the Future" has few sentences so bad that you can tweezer them, pke sppnters from your toe, and put them on display.《未来的物理》中的一些句子是如此糟糕,以致你能像从脚趾头上拔刺一般,用镊子把它们夹出来并拿去展览。

6.A ground breaking hair removal system that uses a revolutionary tweezer disc system with dual opposed heads.奠定脱毛系统,采取了革命性镊光盘系统存在双重否决元首。

7.The Lisbon Treaty is intended to speed up decision-making in tweezer.里斯本条约旨在加速欧盟的决策速度。

8.It is a tweezer ideal tool to cpp flat Small objects.是镊取平面做细物体的理想工具。

9.Study of theory and experiment on implement of nano-machining using optical-tweezer system利用光镊系统实现纳米加工的理论和实验研究

10.molecular tweezer; chiral unsymmetrical urea; synthesis;芳杂环;分子钳;手性不对称脲;合成;