

cessation:[英 [seˈseɪʃn] 美 [sɛˈseʃən] ]



cessation 基本解释



cessation 网络解释


1. 停止:cess 税 | cessation 停止 | cessative 表示停止的

2. cessation的意思

2. 终止:cessation speed 中止速度 | cessation 终止 | Cesser Clause 航次承租人责任终止条款

3. 港- 中止;中止聘用:certifying bank 兩- 保兌銀行 內- 保兌行 | cessation 港- 中止;中止聘用 | cessation of business 港- 停業;終止業務

4. cessation

4. 终止,(短暂)停止:Catalysis:的加速 | Cessation:终止,(短暂)停止] | Cession:割让,转让

cessation 双语例句

1. After spore germination, first logarithmic growth is followed by a transient cessation of cell growth...


2. The benefit of Vipassana is cessation of one`s accumulations or defilements.



3. Repeal and cessation of conflict with WTO rules to implement laws, rules and regulations.


4. It provided for a cessation of hostilities for ten years.


5. AIM To evaluate the efficacy and safety of bupropion for smoking cessation in schizophrenia.

目的 评价安非他酮用于精神分裂症病人戒烟的有效性及安全性。

6. cessation的翻译

6. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of sustained-release bupropion for smoking cessation.


7. SR Bupropion is effective and safe for smoking cessation.


8. Evaluate the effect of nicotine sublingual tablet on smoking cessation. 2. Investigate whether cytochrome P450 gene (CYP1A1, CYP2D6), NAD H-quinone oxidoreductase gene (NQO1) and microsomal exppoxidase hydrolase gene polymorphisms affect nicotine dependence and smoking cessation outcome.


9. cessation

9. Appear threatened abortion, does often lead to abortion depends on whether the abnormal embryos - such as the normal embryos, after rest and treatment, caused by the elimination of the causes of miscarriage, bleeding cessation, pregnancy can continue; arising from abnormal embryonic precursor abortion, that after abortion.


10. At this point should be an immediate cessation of operation to be checked.


11. cessation

11. The provincial government announced Monday it will introduce a Retail Sales Tax exemption on tobacco cessation aids.


12. cessation

12. This is the Messianic hope of the Pharisees, voiced in all parts of the synagogal liturgy; but it meant also the cessation of the kingdom of the worldly powers identified with idolatry and injustice (Mek., 'Amalek).


13. Therefore every intelligent people must to do good actions and try cessation of dukkha or suffering.


14. cessation

14. Death is cessation of life, but is distant from self, happen only to the very old or very sick.


15. cessation是什么意思

15. The Buddha said to Manjushri, If there is suffering, then there is the truth and there is the real; if there is the origination of suffering, then there is the truth and there is the real; if there is its cessation, then there is the truth and there is the real; and if there is the Path, then there is the truth and there is the real.


16. cessation

16. Manjushri, where there is suffering, there is a cause of suffering, a cessation of suffering and an antidote to suffering.


17. You know, the rumbling snore followed by comic blubbering and sudden cessation of breath.

你- 道的,就是鼾声雷动后,接下来是滑-稽的呜咽声,然后突然呼吸中断。

18. Their ancestors certainly fall down due to the cessation of performing offerings of food and water.


19. Freud believed that children from the age of 5, 6, sexual impulse entered a period of temporary cessation of activities, this period lasted until the onset of puberty (5, 6-year-old -12 years old).


20. Flashes are self-limited, with 50 to 75 percent of women having cessation of hot flashes within five years.


cessation 词典解释

1. 停止;终止

The cessation of something is the stopping of it.

e.g. He would not agree to a cessation of hostilities.


cessation 单语例句cessation是什么意思

1. Chaoyang Hospital is Beijing's first hospital to have its own smoking cessation clinic.

2. The visit follows a recent tough report issued by IAEA chief Mohammed ElBaradei, that showed Iran failing to meet demands for cessation of all nuclear fuel activities.

3. Liu said China supports any efforts to help realize a sustained cessation of violence and initiate political dialogue among parties in Syria.

4. According to the current widely practiced worldwide standard, medical authorities define brain death as irreversible cessation of all brain activity.

5. Group therapy sessions with such promising titles as " How to finally quit smoking " are seen to be the most effective method of cessation.

6. I will hate to see them make smoking cessation their annual New Year's resolution just as I have been doing all these years.

7. A spokesman for the Transport and Housing Bureau said emergency measures coordinated by the government following the cessation of Oasis flight services are running smoothly.

8. Drug stores across China have seen smoking cessation aids fly off of their shelves since the ban was enacted.

9. He said that half of the observers have left Syria " temporarily, " adding that they would come back if there was a cessation of violence.

10. But it indicated the government troops would respect the cessation of hostilities agreed in a peace accord in May.

cessation 英英释义


1. a stopping

e.g. a cessation of the thunder

Synonym: surcease