




1.苏菲 16. 枪口下的婚礼 Shotgun Wedding 17. 苏菲 Sofie 18. 忘恩负义 SURIGUDU ...

2.李嘉慧 ... 4641 - Reversal Dhallenge 反转棋大挑拨 4642 - Sofie:Syng Lek og Laer 索菲耶:星星游戏和进修 ...

4.计量学会 ... LEANN 柏诗乐 SOFIE 柏诗朗 Aoi 坂本蓝彩 ...

6.感恩节上班 ... superflous: 多余的 Sofie 感恩节上班, put through: 完成 ...

7.秦舒培 发色 hair:Black 秦舒培 SOFIE 身高 height:177cm ...


1.For the next few days I bpssfully cpp Sofie's hair into a fountain on the top of her head.接下来的几天,我充溢欢乐地将苏菲的头发夹到她头顶去了。

2.Sofie runs a blue streak around the kitchen table until she colpdes with a chair and dents her forehead.苏菲拿条蓝丝带绕着餐桌一圈圈地跑,结果撞在椅子上,磕伤了额头。

3.I take Sofie's hand and lead her to the doll section, my chest tight with foreboding.我拉起苏菲的手向玩具专区走去,强烈的不详预感都让我胸闷。

4."Thank you, " I whisper. Then Sofie and I run out in the rain to look for pastries.“谢谢你。”我低声说。而后苏菲和我冒着雨跑出去找糕饼吃。

5.After dismissing my dressmaking skills in the past, Sofie unexpectedly requests that I make her a tutu.一度曾看不上我成衣技术的苏菲,不测地请求我给她做一个短裙。

6.We lose the barrette in a matter of days. Sofie's face vanishes again behind a fringe of blond hair.没几天我们就弄丢了谁人发夹,苏菲的小脸又一次消散在金色的留海背面。

7.What would my mother say if I brought the doll home for Sofie to play with?如果我把这个买回家给苏菲玩妈妈会说什么?

8.After the toy bust at Target, I buy American tulle and Mexican ribbon and sew a bright blue tutu for Sofie.塔吉特玩具搜寻之后,我买了美国薄纱,墨西哥缎带,给苏菲缝了个摺边短裙。

9.Wes doesn't say a thing. He doesn't have to. He doesn't even object when Sofie toddles over and picks it up.维斯一句话都没有,他也用不着说什么啦,甚至在苏菲蹒跚着过来捡起它的时候都没吭声。

10.It's not even that Sofie is too young for Barbie, although that's certainly true.甚至不是因为苏菲还不到玩芭比的年龄,尽管事实的确如此。