




1.哈弗尔河沿着哈弗尔河 (Havel)、奥得河 (Oder) 和施普雷河 (Spree), 直达哥本哈根 (Kopenhagen) 或波兰边境。 然后放松一下:用亚 …

2.哈韦尔波茨坦是位于森林密布的哈韦尔(Havel)河畔和美丽的文化景观中的一个小岛。如诗如画的湖泊与河流、宫殿和花园使得波茨坦 …

3.哈维尔河柏林位于哈维尔河Havel)和施普雷河(Spree)之间,法国的战争赔款被大笔用在柏林的市政建设上,这将是一个能与伦敦 …

4.捷克总统哈维尔○ 捷克总统哈维尔HAVEL)致电 李总统登辉先生悼唁华航空难事件。○ 贝里斯工商部长马丁内斯(Alfredi Martin MARTINEZ) …


1.Never in my pfe havel thought "" Ryan, you're going to be standing in the gayest place in the world sometime.我这一生也从来没有想过“莱恩,你将会在某个时候站在世界上最同性恋的地方”这样的事情。

2.Havel, a small, soft-spoken man with dancing eyes and a biting wit, was a hero to the forces of freedom everywhere.哈韦尔个子不高,说话温和,眼睛一眨一眨的,是一个说话尖锐的智者,也是遍布其全国的自由力量心中的英雄人物。

3.A year is a short period to judge such a movement: Vaclav Havel and his friends were outcasts for two decades after Charter 77's launch.要为这样一个运动下结论,一年的时间太短了:发表《七七宪章》后,瓦茨拉夫•哈维尔(VaclavHavel)和他的朋友们做了十多年的社会弃儿。

4.Havel took me to one of the jazz clubs that had been hotbeds of support for his Velvet Revolution.哈韦尔带我去了某一家爵士乐俱乐部。那家俱乐部曾是他发起的天鹅绒革命的支持者的温床。

5.A few days later, Vclav Havel came to Washington for a state visit, telpng the press I was his great friend.几天后,瓦茨拉夫·哈韦尔来华盛顿进行国事访问,向媒体表示,我是他伟大的朋友。

6.The clearest but unkindest explanation for Mr Klaus's conduct is a desire to be noticed more than his predecessor, Vaclav Havel.对于VáclavKlaus的行为最贴切但最不友善的诠释,就是他想要比前任总统VáclavHavel更受到注目。

7.Necas called Havel "the symbol of 1989" and said he did "a tremendous job for this country" .内卡斯称哈维尔为“1989的标志”,并且称其“为国家做出了卓越的贡献”。

8.It was the ultimate fairy-tale ending in the ultimate fairy-tale setting: Havel himself could not have made it up.这是在终极童话场景里的终极童话结局,并非哈维尔本人所能左右。

9.A group of opposition activists looked to Havel, just returned from his country house in Bohemia, for leadership.此时,哈维尔刚从他位于波希米亚(Bohemia)的乡间别墅回来,一群反对派活动人士请他担任领袖。

10.Since my cousin went to the States, I havel ost track of him.自从我表哥到了美国,我就和他失去了联系。