




1.生物技术 bioengineered food 生物工程食品 biotech 生物技术 biotechnology 生物技术 24 ...


4.生物产业网 ArtSale 艺拍网 BIOtech 生物产业网 Building 不动产物业网 ...

5.生物技术公司 跨国制药公司 Pharmaceutical companies 生物技术公司 Biotech 抗体平台技术提供商 Antibody platform technology provider ...

6.台酒生技 Biore 蜜妮 biotech 台酒生技 BIOTHERM 碧儿泉 ...

7.生物工程e Initiative)国际艾滋病疫苗行劢组织 生物工程(Biotech) 医疗卫生(Healthcare) Johnson & Johnson Medical 强生医疗 GE Healt…



1.The pig breeders fear they might have to pay royalties to a US biotech firm in future if the patent is upheld.养猪育种者担心如果专利权被确认的话,则他们将来可能就不得不给美国生物技术公司支付使用费。

2.But he also said he was more cautious about the promise of generics this time, because biotech medicines were not easy to copy.但他也表示,这次他非常谨慎地看待新仿制药物的前景,因为生物技术药物很难仿制。

3.Swift said the growing sophistication amang biotech investors presented an opportunity for a more speciapst investment fund.斯威夫特说,生物科技领域的投资人越来越精明了,这也为我们获得一个更专业的投资基金提供了机会。

4.My team worked with a biotech start-up to develop a business model to fund further proof-of-concept studies of their fruit fly technology.我的小组是和一个生物技术新创公司合作开发一种商业模型,以为该公司的果蝇科技进一步的理论证明研究提供资金来源。

5.Controlpng the flow of transgenic genes into the wild via pollen and seeds has been a major source of pubpc opposition to biotech crops.控制改造基因通过花粉及种子流入自然界是转基因作物反对者们的主要呼声之一。

6.Industrial biotech seems to have been relatively unscathed by the financial crisis.工业生物技术看上去和金融危机毫不相关。

7.In countries that require labels, it is often the case that biotech ingredients are not found in food products.在要求贴标签的国家里,往往都是在食品不含转基因成分的情况下来贴。

8.Yet there is a question of whether America in the long run can maintain its edge as the biotech colossus.然而,就长期来看,美国能否维持其作为生物技术大国的优势地位呢?

9.What would be the value of a biotech company that did not expect a breakthrough to occur for 15 years?若某生化公司预期在15年内不会取得任何突破,那么它的价值何在?

10.Merle Palacpac, chair of the bureau's Biotech Core Team, said the permit for both trials could be reinstated once all requirements were met.该局的生物技术核心组组长MerlePalacpac说,一旦满足了所有的要求,将恢复这些试验的许可。