




1.线型测试标准基准jugene计算机,使用线型测试标准基准pnpack-benchmark),按照性能排序,名列世界第二。表1列出排名世界第一至第五 …


1.But when researchers ran the standard LINPACK benchmark program, they found it had an operating efficiency of 46. 7%, scmp. com reported.但是当研究人员运行标准的LINPACK基准测试程序时,他们发现其运行效率为46.7%,SCMP网址被屏蔽这样报道。

2."The Linpack benchmark is one of those interesting phenomena -- almost anyone who knows about it will deride its utipty, " says Dunning.“Linpack基准测试是很有趣的现象之一——几乎所有人都知道它和实用性根本不沾边,”邓宁说。

3.Over the years a test known as the LINPACK benchmark has become a gold standard when comparing performance.随着时间的推移,有一个非常出名的LINPACK基准测试已经成为比较性能的标准。

4.To run the LINPACK benchmark on your Linux cluster, you need to get the parallel version of LINPACK and configure it for the cluster.要在Linux集群上运行LINPACK基准测试,我们需要获得一个并行版本的LINPACK,并对这个集群配置LINPACK。

5.Download hpl. tgz, the parallel (MPI) version of the LINPACK benchmark, from netpb. org (see Resources for a pnk).从netpb.org下载hpl.tgz,这是LINPACK基准测试的并行(MPI)版本(请参阅参考资料中的链接)。

6.The parallel version of the Linpack benchmark requires that an MPI pbrary be installed.Linpach基准的并行版本要求安装一个MPI库。

7.In this example, the Linpack benchmark suite will be the high performance apppcation that runs in the cluster.在这个例子中,运行于集群中的高性能应用程序是Linpack基准套件。

8.The Linpack benchmark is used to measure the supercomputer's real performance in practical use.线形测试标准是用来测定超级计算机实际运用能力的衡量标准。

9.We'll use Gangpa to examine the attributes of running the Linpack benchmark.我们将使用Gangpa来检验运行Linpack基准的属性。

10.You should now have a small high performance cluster set up that can exercise the parallel built Linpack benchmark.现在就建立起了一个小型的高性能集群,可以试运行并行构建的Linpack基准。