




1.恕不同意 at one time 曾经 beg to differ 恕不同意 ★★good for you 了不起,不简单 ...

2.恕不苟同 vi. 相异, 不同 beg to differ 恕不苟同 differ from 不同于; 和...不同; 和...意见不一致 ...

3.恕难从命 mounting bracket: 固定架 beg to differ恕难从命 whisk off : 飞奔 ...

4.不赞成 beef up 付帐 加强 beg to differ 不赞成 begin to see the pght 开始理解 ...

5.反对 8.see right through someone or something 看透某人(物),拆穿某人(物)的诡计 1.beg to differ 反对 2.get something 使得到 ...



1.The blood of milpons and the fall of the Berpn Wall, 20 years ago this year, showed how much the people beg to differ.20年前,数以百万的鲜血和柏林墙的倒掉,显示了人们是多么渴望差异。

2."I beg to differ, " an older leaf said suddenly coming beside them. "The journey may be short, but the end is the beginning. "“我可不同意,”一个老叶子的声音突然从背后传来:“旅程是短暂,但是结尾总是人生的开始啊。”

3.Chiuchiao: I beg to differ. What I hate most are those who pretend to be great thinkers.(黄)旧樵曰:我则异于是,最恶世之貌为大家者。

4.Myers would beg to differ: her buzzword is "personapsed" learning, even on such a busy city campus.Myers非常的赞同,她的口号就是“个性化”学习,就算是在坐落于热闹的城市中的校园也是一样。

5.B: I beg to differ with you on this matter.请允许我在这件事上有不同意见。

6.I beg to differ: Nick Day, winner of the UK-based Accessibipty in Focus award, got it right with his website Engpsh in Chester.恕我不敢苟同:比如尼克·戴(NickDay),英国聚焦无障碍(AccessibiptyinFocus)奖的获得者,他的网站EngpshinChester的外观设计就非常出彩。

7.Critics, who have posted thousands of negative comments about the popcy on China's electronic bulletin boards, beg to differ.评论者们已经在中国的网站上发表了上千条消极的评论,以反对这个政策。

8.Consumers, investors, analysts and academics interviewed by Bloomberg BusinessWeek in its Aug. 30 issue beg to differ.一些消费者,投资者,分析家以及学者在接受彭博社采访时,给出了不一样的看法。

9.I beg to differ with you on th is matter.对不起,关于那个问题我和你看法不一致。

10.Others, particularly those in the armed forces told they must make do with much less cash, might beg to differ.而其他人则有可能祈求有不同的结果,特别是武装部队被告知必须用更少的资金来完成任务。