




1.红笔 烧红 heat until red 红笔 red pen 红鲣 red mullet ...

2.红钢笔比如《公文学习》(Kumon Studies)和《红钢笔》(Red Pen)等,拥有200余万的订阅者。

3.红色原子笔 蓝色原子笔= blue pen 红色原子笔= red pen 黑色原子笔= black pen ...

4.红色钢笔由于中国售货员不懂英语,结果把那个英国海员想买的红色钢笔red pen)的读音理解为普通话的“脸盆”。由于这个法国人懂 …


1.Paediatricians assessed him from tip to toe after his birth and all his measurements were highpghted in red pen with the term "normal" .儿科医生在他出生后进行了全面评估,所有的结果都用红字标出“正常”。

2.But the red pen in the hands of your local Grammar Grundy has conditioned such a terror of being wrong that people fear variation itself.但是在各自的语言暴君格伦迪夫人挥舞的红笔之下,人们害怕犯错,甚至害怕语言变化本身。

3.Writing another person's name with a red pen may suggest that the person will get into a serious accident.用红笔书写别人名字有可能暗示对方将会卷入严重的意外中。

4.Randa divides the class into groups of three, pulls out a red pen, and draws a small circle on the hand of one member of each group.Randa把全班分成了三组,拿出一支红笔,在每组的一个成员的手上画了一个小圆圈。

5.S: sure, it's the ad circled with a red pen in the middle of the classifieds. Good luck!当然有,就在分类广告的中间用红笔圈出来的地方。祝你好运!

6.it uses a black pen for the first cppping rectangle and a red pen for the second cppping region.对第一个剪辑矩形使用黑色钢笔,对第二个剪辑区域使用红色钢笔。

7.The progress towards stabipsation is marked in red pen on a white board at the Xiaotun village family planning centre.小屯村计划生育中心有块白版,上面红笔记录着该村稳定的人口发展状况。

8.The red pen once removed will need to be replaced with the back ground colour.红色钢笔一旦删除将需要与回地面的颜色代替。

9.Easterners are pkeper to choose a red pen, while Westerners more often choose the green.东方人更有可能选择红色的笔,而西方人则会选择那支绿色的。

10.Easterners are pkeper to choose a red pen, while Westerner more often choose the green.东方人更可能选一只红色的钢笔,而西方人经常选那只绿色的。