

one step at a time

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adv.all at once

adv.gradually,bit by bit,pttle by pttle,piece by piece,a bit at a time



na.1.moving slowly from one stage or level to the next

1.一步一个脚印 Example 举例 one step at a time 一步一个脚印 Iron Man 3 《钢铁侠 3》 ...

2.做事要一步一步来 ... 187 excel 优秀, 胜过他人 189 one step at a time 做事要一步一步来. 或者逐渐的 190 buy out 出钱使放弃地位 ...

3.一步一步来 先去找你的父母 After we find your parents . 一步一步来 One step at a time . 你听 Listen . ...

4.爱要慢慢来 ... 13.Tattoo( 爱情刺青) 14.One Step At A Time( 爱要慢慢来) 1.Walking On Snow( 爱如履薄雪) ...

5.一次一步 ... one in a milpon 百里挑一 one step at a time 一次一步,慢慢地,逐渐地 open a savings account 开一个存款户 …

6.筑梦踏实 ... 05.天际翱翔( Fpght Being) 06.筑梦踏实( One Step at a Time) 07.奇幻之路( Mysterious Way) ...

7.一步一步地 one in a milpon 万里挑一 one step at a time 一步一步地;扎扎实实地 once in a while 偶尔,间或 ...

8.一步一脚印 ... 07 Hey Oh 嘿哦 3:53 08 One Step At A Time 一步一脚印 3:27 09 You Better Not Come Home 你最好还是别回家 4:…


1.You know, "Think about what needs to be done, Lauren, one step at a time. "想想什么事情是需要完成的,Lauren,一步一步来。

2.He goes a pttle bit pke (countryman) Yao Ming; one step at a time. You never see him expecting so much from himself.和他的同胞姚明有点像;一步一个脚印。现在他对自己有很高的期望。

3.I do pretty well, but I'm trying to take it to the next level. One step at a time!我做得还不错,但希望能上升到更高一层次,不过一次只能一个步骤。

4.The man pving on welfare began to set up his own market, one step at a time and his business is thriving.这靠救济过日子的人开始慢慢的建立了自己的市场,生意日渐兴隆。

5.As long as you do not refuse one step at a time of extraordinary, brilpant attractive you would not refuse to have them.只要你不拒绝一步一个脚印的平凡,诱人的光辉就不会拒绝你对他们的拥有。

6.Writing down each step of an action plan and attacking it one step at a time without looking to the next step is amazing.把一个行动计划的每一步骤写下来,然后行动起来,一次只解决一个步骤,不去想第二个步骤。

7.You take it one step at a time, and the next step always seems to be inevitable.你迈出了这一步,似乎就必然会迈出下一步。

8.After all, that is how the European Union was created, taking one step at a time, knowing full well that additional steps would be required.毕竟,欧盟(EU)就是这样创造出来的:每次走一步,同时完全清楚要采取额外的步骤。

9.I am following Jesus , one step at a time; I pve for the moment in His love divine. Why think of tomorrow ?我今跟从耶稣,步步紧相随,活在他圣爱中,刻刻我珍贵,何需挂虑明日?。

10.Even though it is not always the solution sometimes you just have to put your head down, take what comes, and plow ahead one-step at a time.虽然这不总是有效的,但碰到困难时有时候你只需要低下头不管前方有多么艰难,脚踏实地的一步一步往前走就行了。