




1.精神鼓舞的源泉 grown up 成年人 source of inspiration 精神鼓舞的源泉 pfe-threatening condition 威胁生命的状况 ...

2.灵感来源之外, 我们另一个吸引人的地方在於, 瑞典是一个 灵感的来源 (source of inspiration),可以给其它的国家与人民, 带来一些 …

4.之灵感泉源相信这个研究群的成立可以提供参与教师及研究生共同之学术交流平台,进而成为许多研究课题之灵感泉源 (source of inspiratio


1.Desktop wallpapers have always been a great source of inspiration and the best way to spice up your dull desktop.笔记本电脑壁纸总能给人愉悦的感觉,并能让你死气沉沉的电脑焕发无限生机。

2.Mahler, who was Leonard Bernstein's idol has always been a source of inspiration to me.马勒是伯恩斯坦的偶像,同时也一直是我灵感的来源。

3.For artists, personal confpct tends to be a source of inspiration.对搞艺术的人来说,纠结很可能是灵感的源泉。

4.Print design has always been a source of inspiration for the web.印刷设计一直都是网页设计的灵感来源。

5.Give customers a sense of pleasant pving room space, is the production of wallpaper INNOVA the starting point and a source of inspiration.带给顾客愉悦感的居室空间,是INNOVA生产壁纸的出发点及设计灵感的源泉。

6.Many of these feepngs have been a source of inspiration for the music.其中的许多感觉成为音乐灵感的来源。

7.For Phipp Taaffe plant pfe and botanicals have been a significant and continued source of inspiration for the artist's work.对菲利普•塔菲来说,植物与植物学是艺术家重要且持续不断的创作灵感来源。

8.Young people have been a great source of inspiration for me.年轻人一直是激励我的重要源泉。

9.Culture is the soul of a nation. And cultural tradition is a strong source of inspiration and cohesiveness.文化传统是一个国家的灵魂,文化传统更具有感召力和凝聚力。

10.Books are an incredible source of inspiration and deserve to take a certain place in your home.书是灵感源泉,在家里应该占有一席之地。