




1.生病住院 just yet 恰好现在 be sick/ill in hospital 生病住院 10. be/get lost 迷路 18. ...


1.Last week, Zhang Ming was ill in hospital. We went to see him. He was happy to see us. He said he had been in hospital for two days.下面是一些中文提示,请写一篇短文:上周,张明生病住院,我们去看他,他很高兴。

2.ill in hospital for a year by the end of this month.到本月底他病在医院里就一年了。

3.His father, who was ill in hospital for a year, died yesterday.他父亲住了一年的院,昨天过世了。

4.Two and a half years ago he was ill in hospital and there he knew a beautiful nurse named Rita.两年以前他生病住进了医院并且在那认识了一个漂亮的护士叫做丽塔。

5.Once, lesser mother is ill in hospital and was in urgent need of money.有一次,小雅的妈妈生病住院,急需用钱。

6.sorry to say that Mrs Jenkins, our canteen manageress, is ill in hospital.我很遗憾地告知诸位:我们的餐厅经理金肯斯夫人因病住院。

7.manageress, is ill in hospital. As you know, the cafeteria is very busy between 11 and 2 o'clock.我很遗憾地告知诸位:我们的餐厅经理金肯斯夫人因病住院。大家都知道,11点至2点期间餐厅最繁忙的时候。

8.Father is ill in hospital, I plan to see him.父亲生病住医了,我打算去医院看望他。

9.Now Li Jun is ill in hospital , but he has no money for treating.现在李俊生病了住在医院里,但没有钱治疗,希望大家帮助他。

10.I'm going to see my husband. He's ill in hospital.我准备去看我丈夫。他生病住在医院里。