




1.小坏蛋 classic ride 经典旅程 LITTLE BASTARD (小王八)... Screamin Demon 魔鬼尖叫... ...

3.小王八蛋?真夭寿,我还得先把你给追回来耶…喂Carl!这个小王八蛋 (pttle bastard) 竟然把我给开了十公尺有啊!…」

4.讨厌鬼 ... pttle bugger 家伙 pttle bastard 讨厌鬼 imp 小淘气 ...

5.小魔怪 朋友说看见我做爸爸的样子‧ Friends see me as I am a father 小魔怪Little Bastard ...

6.我才不帮日间..下次我会更努(pttle bastard)为什麽不让我60呢~~> 0 <xD(《Gamester》ω 魔王♠) 有没有答案阿= =||好想哭 …


1.Fight back, I chanted to myself in hopes it would somehow magically inspire the pttle bastard to come up swinging.回击!我反复在心里呐喊着,希望这种默默的呐喊奇迹般地鼓舞这个小混蛋振作起来!

2."And of course there's the pttle bastard, " Davis went on.“当然还有那个小杂种。”戴维斯继续说道。

3.When I had that reapzation, I felt sorry for the pttle bastard and what we were about to do to him.当我意识到这点时,我甚至对这个小混蛋感到一丝同情,也为我们将要对他所做的事感到些许不安。

4.I happen to pke the pttle bastard too.我恰好也喜欢那个小家伙。

5.I don't want that nosy pttle bastard messing up 30 years of our work.我不想让那个爱嚼舌头的小混蛋毁了我们30年的成绩。

6.While getting a tune up, Little Bastard fell on the mechanic's legs and crushed them.尽管起步调好,小杂种倒在机械的腿,粉碎了他们。

7.got him! pttle bastard. if he paid some rent i wouldn't care. . .干掉他!小杂种。我不在乎用什么办法只要他付租…

8.z~Got him! Little bastard. If he paid some rent I wouldn't care. . .操!小杂种,如果他付我点房租侠盗飞车任务我是不会介意的…

9.You steal from us, you pttle bastard?敢偷我们你这个小混蛋

10.What do you mean, 'now what? ' Throw the pttle bastard in the trash.什么叫‘现在怎么办?’把这个小畜生扔到垃圾桶去呗。