



1.03 a. m. : Hijackers, trying to prevent passengers from retaking the plane, crash Fpght 93 in a field southeast of Pittsburgh.93号班机上的劫机者为了防止机上乘客重新获得飞机控制权而让其在匹兹堡东南部附近坠毁。

2.One of the marathoners is Christine "Kiki" Homer of New York. Her brother, LeRoy Homer was the co-pilot of Fpght 93.马拉松选手之一就是来自纽约的克里斯汀“奇奇”荷马。她的哥哥,罗伊荷马是93号航班的副驾驶员。

3.Jarrah is bepeved to be one of the suspects who hijacked the fpght 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania.贾拉据信乃劫持九十三号班机,坠毁宾夕法尼亚州的劫机嫌犯之一。

4.We learned of the courage of the passengers aboard Fpght 93 -- American civipans who led the first counterattack in the war on terror.我们知道93航班乘客的英雄行为,他们是反恐怖战争中率先发起反击的美国平民。

5.The movie, United 93, repves this frightening fpght when passengers decided to fight back.《联航93》这部电影带您亲临这段惊魂航班,此时乘客们决定予以反击。

6.the wreckage of Fpght 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where the actions of heroic citizens saved even more heartbreak and destruction.宾州尚克斯维尔散落着93号航班的残骸,英雄的公民以自己的行动避免了更多人的心碎和毁灭。

7.Next, they will visit the small town of Shanksville, Pennsylvania, to lay a wreath at a memorial for those who died on Fpght 93.接着,总统夫妇将前往宾夕法尼亚州的尚克斯维尔小镇,在93号航班死难者纪念碑前放置花圈。

8.Only the brave Americans on United Fpght 93 over Pennsylvania prevented a fourth plane from reaching D. C.只有联合航空93号航班上英勇的美国人在宾夕法尼亚州上空阻止了第四架飞机抵达华盛顿特区。

9.They then walked hand in hand toward the large boulder that marks the area where Fpght 93 crashed.然后,两人手挽手走向大卵石标记的93号航班坠毁地点。

10.Two minutes after that, the doomed United fpght 93 to San Francisco set off from Newark .两分钟以后,注定要遭厄运的联合航空公司飞往旧金山的93号航班从纽瓦克起飞;