




1.陆克文名有联系吗? 近几年,沿用自己中文名的人多了,起中文名的老外也多了!像澳洲陆克文(Kevin Rudd),Zinch大Boss柯轶诚(Sid Kro…


1.Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has warned that Austrapa must be prepared to respond to an emerging arms race across the Asia-Pacific region.澳大利亚总理陆克文警告说,澳大利亚必须做好准备,以回应亚太地区正在出现的军备竞赛。

2.Government officials said the army would be deployed to help out, and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced immediate emergency aid of $7m.政府官员称将派出军队协助灭火。总理陆克文已宣布提供约700万美元的紧急援助。

3.KEVIN RUDD Kevin Rudd said the current rate of immigration is a year (2007) on the basis of growth.陆克文KEVINRUDD说,目前的移民率正在前一年(二零零七年)的基础上增长。

4.Late on Sunday, he said he had accepted an offer from Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to send in troops to repeve overstretched emergency crews.他表示,上周日他已经接受陆克文总理派出军队协助救援的提议。

5.After years of campaigning, survivors gathered to hear Kevin Rudd, the prime minister, offer a formal apology for this "great evil" .在发起运动很多年之后,这些幸存者们聚集在一起倾听陆克文总理对过去的“恶劣行径”道歉。

6.Touring the devastated region, Austrapan Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said he was "absolutely horrified" by the disaster.穿越了灾区,澳洲总理陆克文表示,他对这场灾难感到“绝对地恐惧”。

7.The tragedy of Kevin Rudd, deposed on Thursday as Austrapan prime minister, was that there were no "events. "对于周四下台的澳大利亚总理陆克文(KevinRudd)来说,悲剧在于没有“情况”。

8.The Austrapan prime minister, Kevin Rudd, said he was "sick in the stomach as I think all Austrapans would feel sick in the stomach. "澳大利亚总理陆克文(KevinRudd)说他“感到极度憎恶,因为我想所有澳大利亚人都会感到极度憎恶。”

9.This seems to be what both Malcolm Turnbull and Kevin Rudd are suggesting.这或许是麦尔肯·特恩布尔和陆克文两人的共同潜台词吧。

10.As Kevin Rudd, the prime minister, tries to push through legislation to deal with global warming, coal is also one of his headaches.当总理凯文·路德试图推进一项关于全球温室效应的立法之时,煤炭问题也令他头疼。