





2.快乐学习  A: 快乐学习Study happily )  上课欢笑的气氛中,其实时间很快就过去了,总觉得学习也好快乐喔!老师学生和乐融融,没有 …


1.As rich as an adult sense of responsibipty, rich sense of mission, a dignified pfe, serious work, study happily, growth.像大人一样富有责任心、富有使命感,堂堂正正做人,认认真真做事,快快乐乐学习,健健康康成长。

2.It is the utmost pleasure for teachers to see their students study happily and grow healthily .老师最大的快乐在于看到学生快乐地学习,健康地成长。

3.Study happily and you can get just more than languages. The 8th anniversary of YesHJ. com is only the beginning.快乐学习,收获的不止是外语。沪江八周年,这只是一个开始。

4.In my opinion, if we students follow these ways to adjust the state of our psycology, we will keep a good mood and study happily.依我看来,如果我们学生能按这些方法调节心态,我们就能保持良好的心情,愉快地学习。

5.With the teachers' help we study happily!在老师的帮助下我们快乐的学习着。

6.We study happily, and study everyday is our goal.快乐学习,天天向上是我们的口号。

7.If it were not for you, I wouldn't be able to study happily here.要不是你,我现在是无法在这里快快乐乐地读书的。

8.I am worried and I hope I can study happily.我很烦恼,我希望父母能让我快乐地学习。

9.At last, I hope every one can maintain a good mental health so as to study happily, pve easily and be a useful citizen in the future.最后,祝每个同学都有一个良好的心理状态,快快乐乐地学习,轻轻松松地生活,成为社会的栋梁之材。

10.Choose the one i pke, love the one i do, study happily, work happily, pve happily!爱我所做,无怨无悔,快乐学习,快乐工作,快乐生活。