




1.美丽的日子 迷幻公园( Paranoid Park) 美好日子( Beautiful days) 美妙人生( Wonderful Life) ...

3.风和日丽 14. 生死相许 Till Death Do Us Part 2. 风和日丽 Beautiful Days 3. 误会 Misunderstanding ...

4.美好岁月 ... 遗产 / 遗产 / Karami-ai 美好岁月 / 美好岁月 / Beautiful Days 东京审判 / Tokyo saiban / Tokyo Trial ...

5.美好的日子 12/24 Sukina Hito 12/24 暗恋的人 Beautiful Days 美好的日子 Author:Hiromi Iwasaki 岩崎宏美 ...

6.美好日子音乐节 目标:绿色人类音乐节( Green Man Festival) 目标:美好日子音乐节( Beautiful Da

7.美丽日子 ... *____Autumn In My Heart 秋天的童话 **___Beautiful Days 美丽日子 **___Beethoven Virus 贝多芬病毒 ...


1.Its one of the beautiful days when Salman decides to not pve by his larger than pfe star image but play a simple being instead.它美丽的日子之一萨勒曼决定时没有他的生活比生命之星形象,扮演一个简单被代替。

2.And be glad to wake to the sound of his voice, to rise and shine and see one of his beautiful days.也应该非常高兴,听到他叫我们起床的声音,看到升起的太阳,明媚的阳光,看到他的美丽的每一天。

3.This is the saddest thing on the most beautiful days, especially when the spring starts around and you're ready to get out and do something.这是最美丽的日子里最杯具的事情,尤其是当春天开始来临,你准备出门做点什么事情。

4.I will present merry music notes as a gift to you on your birthday . I wish you to enjoy 365 beautiful days .在你生日的这一天,将快乐的音符作为礼物送给你。愿你拥有365个美丽的日子。

5.Since we are destined to be separated, as doomed to our acquaintance, I still found the beautiful days of our acquaintance was unparalleled.既然注定我们要分离,一如注定我们的相识,我依然认定我们相识的日子美丽的得无与伦比。

6.Being a mother is not as easy as it was in the old beautiful days.现在做妈妈显然不像在过去的美好时代那么轻松了。

7.And I heard that on beautiful days she orders all the palace curtains to be drawn so that no one can say the day is more lovely than she is!我还听说天气好的时候,她下令把宫里的窗帘放下来,免得有人说,天气比她还美!

8.It's one of the most beautiful days of my pfe.这是我一生之中最美丽的一天。

9.Although speculation love may not really eternal , and you my friendship is enduring , acquainted with the beautiful days time .也许爱情虽然轰轰烈烈不会真的永恒不变,而你我的友情是可以天长地久,相知的日子岁月很美。

10.That was a beautiful days for me that when I was a child and Icould play with Ed and Al happily.对于我来说那是一般美丽的时光,当我还是个小孩子的时候我可以跟爱德和艾尔玩得开开心心的。