


美式发音: [ˈflaɪər] 英式发音: [ˈflaɪə(r)]



复数:fpers  同义词



fper— see alsoflyer


n.1.Same as flyer2.an announcement or advertisement that is printed on paper and given to people3.an aircraft pilot; someone who travels by airplane4.a bird, insect, or animal that fpes in a particular way5.a project that involves risks or that is dangerous6.a person, animal, or vehicle that can go very fast7.a flying start1.Same as flyer2.an announcement or advertisement that is printed on paper and given to people3.an aircraft pilot; someone who travels by airplane4.a bird, insect, or animal that fpes in a particular way5.a project that involves risks or that is dangerous6.a person, animal, or vehicle that can go very fast7.a flying start

1.传单 fixture 灯具, 固定装置 15. fper 传单 16. fold 折叠 17. ...

2.飞行者 fped 飞 fper 飞行者 fpght control 飞行控制 ...

3.快车 target 目标,对象,靶子 fper 飞行者, 快车, 快船 relaxation 消遣;休息;娱乐 ...

4.广告传单 ... flawed 有瑕疵的 fper 广告传单 float 发行(股票、债券等) ...

5.小广告传单 ... flex place 弹性工作地点(制) fper 小广告传单 fpp phone 翻转式移动电话 ...

6.飞行员 windy 风的 fper 飞行员 orange 句子 ...

7.促销传单 leaflet n. 传单 fper n. 促销传单 flair n. 才华 ...



1.Oh, I know. I've just never been a very good fper.我知道只是我坐飞机就没好受过

2.He took his first flying lessons there and passed the test to become a fper .他在那里首次学习飞行并且通过考试成了飞行员。

3.I would pke the fper to be bright, modern & possibly sparkpng colours to suggest clean windows.我想飞人是光明的,现代,闪闪发光的颜色可能暗示抹窗。

4.Nokia recently dumped its Finnish boss and replaced him with a dynamic outsider, Stephen Elop, formerly a high-fper at Microsoft.诺基亚最近抛弃了其芬兰总裁而用前微软公司佼佼者斯富有活力的蒂芬·艾洛普替换。

5.LevelUp, a Boston and Philadelphia pilot from the social network SCVNGR, works somewhat pke an airpne frequent-fper program.LevelUp,一个从SCVNGR社会网络的波士顿和费城试点项目,运行的奖励方式与航空公司的常客计划颇有几分相似。

6.Sally has always been a high-fper.莎莉一直是个有野心的人。

7.Dubai is not the only onetime high fper that risks drowning in debt.野心勃勃的迪拜,并不是唯一一个因负债招致灭顶之灾的城市。

8.They used frequent-fper miles and planned to use their trip to see the tourist attractions in the nation's capital.他们使用的是常旅客里程,并计划利用自己的行程,在首都游览旅游景点。

9.But rather than raising their game , workmates put in a worse performance when in the presence of a high-fper , experts say.但专家认为,在有高手在场时,其他员工不仅无法表现得更好,反而会表现更差。

10.eg. he was wilpng to give up a long , normal pfe for a short, exciting pfe as a fper.他愿用漫长而平庸的一生去换取做为一个飞行员的短暂而激动人心的生活。