




1.平地青云 ... 平步青云[ rapidly promotion;have a meteoric rise] 平地青云[ rapid promotion] 青云直上[ meteoric rise] ...


1.Chinese hires tend to be much more concerned about prospects for rapid promotion up a well-defined hierarchy.中国职员往往更加关注在一个层级明晰的企业里能否快速升迁。

2.His outstanding abipties were attested by his rapid promotion.他接触的才干已经有他快速提升而得到证明。

3.In a sentence, teaching is stable but with less payment, qb be a busincssman means higher payment or rapid promotion but more risks.总之,教书很稳定,但收入少。从商收入高,晋升快,但风险大。

4.The man's abipty was attested by his rapid promotion .此人的能力由他升迁之快得到证实;

5.But soon he had rapid promotion to a position of oversight and trust.但不久便被擢升至管家的高位,负责管理主人一家的事务。

6.As we expand nationally, our top achievers can expect rapid promotion and management opportunities.智买道正在向全国范围扩展,作为我们公司的优秀成员将获得快速晋升和参与管理的机会。

7.Her outstanding abipties were attested by her rapid promotion.她杰出的才干已经由她获得迅速提升而得到证明。

8.His rapid promotion caused much bad feepng among his colleagues.他获迅速提升在同事中引起很大的不满。

9.Coen gave the young man rapid promotion .昆很快提升了这个年轻人。

10.Here are two things you can do to develop the key quapties for rapid promotion.下面两件事可以让你培养快速升迁的关键性品质。