




1.德州大学 休斯顿大学( University of Houston) 得州大学( University of Texas) 休斯顿彗星队( Houston Comets) ...


1.Researchers at the University of Texas Medical School bepeve they may have found a weak point in the human immunodeficiency virus.德克萨斯州医科大学的研究人员认为他们可能已经找到了人类免疫缺失病毒的一个弱点。

2.He grew up in Kansas City, Mo. , and later in Houston, where his father served on the faculty of the University of Texas Dental School.他在堪萨斯城长大,后来又到了休斯顿----父亲在德州牙科学校(theUniversityofTexasDentalSchool)供职。

3.Birgitte Vittrup carried out a scientific study at The Children's Research Lab at the University of Texas.德克萨斯大学儿童研究实验室的研究员伯吉特韦特拉普就此开展了一项科学研究。

4.Devendra Singh, of the University of Texas, in Austin, has proved the point in the past by measuring the vital statistics of Playboy models.通过计算《花花公子》上模特有关部位的重要数据,得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的德维得拉.赛已经证明了这一点。

5.Experts at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center also voiced concern and said they aren't changing their screening protocol.美国德克萨斯大学癌症中心的专家也表示担心,称他们不能改变其筛选方案。

6.A new study out of the University of Texas argues that beautiful women want it all when it comes to picking a mate.德克萨斯大学学者开展的一项新的研究指出,漂亮的女人必贪心,择偶要求高大全。

7.The president spoke Monday at the University of Texas. He talked about the decrease in college graduation rates in the United States.周一总统在德克萨斯大学做演讲时,他谈到了美国大学毕业率的下滑。

8.One month ago Monica Rankin posted a video to YouTube about how she uses Twitter in her classroom at the University of Texas.大约一个月前,MonicaRankin在Youtube上发布了一个视频,这个视频的内容是关于她在得克萨斯大学的课堂上使用Twitter的事。

9.The University of Texas at Austin, one of America's largest single campuses, has helped that city become a leading high-tech centre.坐落于奥斯丁的德克萨斯大学是全美最大的学校之一,它使这个城市成为了高新科技中心。

10.He also served as a visiting professor at the University of Texas, Austin, at the invitation of the legendary physicist John Wheeler.他曾受传奇式的物理学家约翰·惠勒(JohnWheeler)邀请,到得克萨斯大学做访问学者。