




1.哈德逊河谷 克罗地亚军队 Hrvatska Vojska 哈得孙河谷 Hudson Valley 混合动力汽车 Hybrid,Vehicles ...

5.纽约哈德逊山谷 (Hudson Valley纽约州下哈德逊河谷 (New York City) 纽约市都会区 ...

8.哈得逊峡谷 日 桑帝比猎游旅馆 Sandibe Safari Lodge 63422 日 哈得逊峡谷 Hudson Valley 64…


1.Every year, renowned grower Amy Goldman produces an amazing 500 varieties of tomatoes on her farm in New York's Hudson Valley.每年,埃米·高曼在她纽约哈德逊谷的园子里培育出的番茄有500种之多。

2.He was descended from Hudson Valley landed gentry and milponaire New York merchants, and went to Groton and Harvard.罗斯福的先辈是来自哈德逊河谷一带的地产名流以及腰缠万贯的纽约商人。他就读于格罗顿公学,后赴哈佛大学深造。

3.One sure thing, there was no other six teen- year-old boy writing a love letter in French that night anywhere in the whole Hudson Valley .有一点可以肯定,在整个赫德森河流域,今天晚上决没有另一个十六岁的男孩在用法文写情书。

4.a member of the Algonquian people formerly pving the Hudson valley and eastward to the Housatonic.一个从前住在哈德逊河流域和哈斯托内克东部的属于阿尔冈琴语系的民族的人。

5.He should know--Hudson Valley's lead photovoltaic engineer is NABCEP-certified.他应该知道-哈得孙河谷的领先光伏工程师NABCEP认证。

6.What to Order: Lo's take on Hudson Valley Peking duck dumppngs; braised pork spders;如何订购:罗选择了哈德逊山谷的北京烤鸭水饺,红烧猪肉块;