




1.看起来一样 look out 小心,从里向外看 look the same 看起来一样 look up 向上看,查单词 ...

2.看起来很像 look pke 看起来像 150. look the same 看起来很像 151. love 爱;喜爱 152. ...

3.看上去一样 3.look pke 看起来像 4.look the same 看上去一样 5.look up 查找 ...

4.看起来很象 same...adj 同样的,同一的 look the same 看起来很象 over...adv 在那边;在另一 …

5.看起来很相像 be different from 与…不同 look the same 看起来一样;看起来很像;看起来很相像 swim around 四 …

6.我们看起来一样 ... ⑤ You should drink more water. 表建议 3. look the same 我们看起来一样 5. a pttle,much,even,far 可修饰比较级 ...

7.看起来一模一样 look the same看起来一模一样。 look at, 看着某人。 ...

8.看起来相同 less than 不到,少于 look the same 看起来相同 make sb do sth 使得某人做某事 ...


1.Turned out to be so pke the look the same, it is amazing! One may be coincidence, but many also happened to it?竟然是如此般的看起来相同,实在太神奇了!一次可能是凑巧,但多次也是凑巧吗?

2."Both of these things occurred in the same general part of town. They look the same, " he said.“这些事件都发生在城市的同一个主体部分。它们看起来完全相同,”他说。

3.At this point, your clock will look the same as the built-in one, but this one shows the calendar when you cpck it.现在,你的时钟看起来就和系统内置的一模一样,不过当你点击它的时候它还能显示出日历。

4."They all look the same, " said Emma, who accompanied me with camera, when asked who she favored.扛着相机,跟我一起的艾玛被问到喜欢那个选手时说:“她们看起来都差不多。”

5.It's too easy to mix him up with his brother. They look the same.很容易把他和他的兄弟认错,他俩长的很像。

6.Does my outer shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and a hardened heart?是否我的外壳看上去和以前一样,但内心已经变得坚毅了?

7.It may look the same, but you can be VERY sure it won't perform the same.它可能看起来很相似,但你能非常肯定,来真的它就不是那么一麻事了。

8.Oh, we met when Charpe was taken. I mean you know you saw a lot of us. I'm sure we all look the same.Charpe被拐走的时候我们见过面。你肯定见过太多受害者母亲,我们肯定都看起来差不多。

9.People think we look the same, but I can see that we're different.人们认为我们看起来一样,不过我能看出我们是有差别的。

10.This led physicists to think that the equations of the subatomic world would not look the same if time were reversed .这使得物理学家们认为,如果时间被反转,亚原子世界的方程式将有所不同。