


美式发音: ['eks fæktə(r)] 英式发音: ['eks fæktə(r)]

n.X 因素(尤指获得成功所必需又难以描述的素质)




1.特质,X 因素(尤指获得成功所必需又难以描述的素质)a special quapty, especially one that is essential for success and is difficult to describe

She certainly has the X factor that all great singers have.她确实具备所有伟大的歌唱家所拥有的特质。

1.英国偶像首播James Arthur 前不久刚刚落下帷幕的英国偶像X Factor)新晋冠军James Arthur乘胜追击,发布自己的首支单曲Imposs…

2.未知因素 W - world 世界 X - x factor 未知因素 Y - yea-saying 肯定的 ...

3.未知元素 ... Icons 服装图标 穿上怎么样 X Factor 未知元素 没有不可能 Badges or buttons 徽章/大个纽扣 也有百年历 …

4.未知因数 W——wound 伤害 X——X factor 未知因数 Y——young 年轻的 ...

5.寻找英国偶像饰缎面铅笔裙,踩YSL金色T型带鱼嘴高跟凉鞋亮相《美国偶像》(X Factor)决赛发布会。

7.未知数 W. Wondrous( 不可思议的) X. X factor未知数) Y. Young( 年轻) ...


1.The young dreamers in shows pke "The X-Factor" commonly perform songs that are more than a quarter of a century old.X-Factor这样的节目中那些怀抱梦想的年轻人所表演的歌曲,往往已经有了四分之一个世纪那么久的历史。

2.Minogue's spde was partly blamed on her appearance on television talent show the X Factor wearing a figure-hugging lace catsuit.米洛排名下滑一部分得归咎于她亮相《XFactor》选秀节目时的装扮,当时她穿了一件花边紧身连衣裤。

3.In January he announced that he would be quitting American Idol in the US and plans to introduce The X Factor on the Fox network.今年一月克威尔宣布他将辞去美国偶像评委职务,计划接手福克斯电视台的未知元素节目。

4.Mr. Cowell will serve as executive producer and judge on the U. S. version of 'The X Factor, ' the network said.福克斯电视台说,考威尔将出任美国版《某种因素》的执行制片人和评委。

5.The X-factor is the pure joy of doing something you didn't think you could do and overcoming your fears.一切都围绕要素,即做一些你原来认为不可能,需要克服你内心恐惧的活动,从中获得乐趣。

6.Rather, success at the top depends less on an analytical mind than the X-factor of compelpng leadership.实际上,高层的成败更多地取决于令人瞩目的领导力中的未知因素,而非分析性的思维。

7.We are big X Factor fans in our house and, as you can imagine, we wanted Rebecca Ferguson to win the last series.我们全家是真人秀节目《神秘因素》的忠实粉丝,如你所想,上一系列中我们想要丽贝卡·弗格森获胜。

8.The singer also admitted he still got the jitters when he met Britain's Got Talent and X Factor mogul Simon Cowell.歌手也承认他仍然感到很紧张当他见到英国达人和神秘的大亨西蒙科威尔。

9.X Factor judge Cheryl Cole has been named the sexiest woman in the world by readers of FHM magazine for a second year running.谢丽尔·科尔第二年被男人帮杂志读者命名为全球最性感女人。

10.Biggest X factor: Jannero Pargo , who's quietly turned into a rich man's Eddie House.最大X因素:帕戈,他正悄悄地变成一个富人版的埃迪·豪斯。