


美式发音: [ˈkæsi] 英式发音: [ˈkæsi]






4.卡茜和詹妮弗-洛佩兹交往过,他现在的女友是25岁的模特卡茜Cassie),两人已交往3年,但有知情人说这并不妨碍吹牛老爹寻 …

5.然然 Bailey 贝莉 Cassie 凯茜 Bill 比尔 ...

7.赵彤的单曲《SOS》名列本周第五位,比上周下滑了两位。卡塞(Cassie)的单曲《Me & U》从上周第13位上升到本周第六位,是 …


1.Cassie : That's one of the first things I noticed when I was just off the boat.凯西:我刚来这里的时候就注意到这点了。

2.Cassie says Jane went up to see him, and now, she's not answering her cell.凯西说简去看他,现在,她不接电话了。

3.She said somehow Cassie's death, and especially the way in which she had died, had helped her resolve the death of her husband.她信中还说,卡西的死,尤其是它死的方式,帮助她对汉克的死有了新的理解。

4.And then, while Cassie continued to sleep peacefully on her caretaker's belly, the doctor gave the dog the final injection.卡西继续安详地睡在它主人的肚子上。医生给它注射了终止生命的一针。

5.Although Cassie Nourse cannot see her facial features, but he said that fills Liya to be beautiful.虽然卡西诺斯看不见她的面容,但他说塞利亚“非常美”。

6.Terri is completely guileless and has no more problem than Cassie talking about what she's been going through.Terri非常坦率,在卡西討論她曾經經歷的事情時一點都沒事。

7.If we help Cassie die by euthanasia, you can be with her, hold her, talk to her and comfort her.如果我们帮它安乐死去,你能和它在一起,抱着它,跟它说话,安慰它。

8.New balloons and characters taking place in the parade this week include Dragon Tale Cassie, and the Three Little Pigs.新的气球和字符发生在游行本周包括龙故事王翠萍,以及三只小猪。

9.With euthanasia, you won't have to worry about coming home from work and finding Cassie dead, and you can ensure that she won't die in pain.这样,你就不用担心下班回来发现卡西已经死了;这样,还能做到它将没有痛苦地死去。

10.Teacher Cassie Krause knows by their lunchroom talk which of her students play video games, and many of them are her most outgoing in class.卡西.克劳丝老师通过餐厅吃饭的谈话了解到,她的大部分“差生”都打电子游戏。