




1.总是 wet…………… 湿的 alway………… 总是,永远 usually……… 通常,经常 ...

2.永远 alvine 腹的 alway 永远 always on top 总在最上面 ...

3.义守大学阳光椰林 ... *义守大学阳光椰林 alway.twbbs.org *义守大学观山风情 bbs.isu.edu.tw ...

4.是总是的意思 ... often 是经常 alway 是总是的意思 OFTEN 则是常常的意思 ...

5.奥尔韦 Alured 阿留雷德 Alway 奥尔韦 Amson 阿姆森 ...

6.经常 ... WILL BE READY TO 将准备去做 ALWAY 经常 OTHERS 其他人 ...


1.Yet the LORD would not destroy Judah for David his servant's sake, as he promised him to give him alway a pght, and to his children.耶和华却因他仆人大卫的缘故,仍不肯灭绝犹大,照他所应许大卫的话,永远赐灯光与他的子孙。

2.My son is alway complaining that I dump on him. He was very rude and told me to mind my own business. I cannot put up with that.我的儿子总是抱怨我对他太挑剔了,他很不客气,让我管好自己就行了,我真是受不了。

3.One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway pars, evil beasts, slow belpes.有克里特人中的一个本地先知说,克里特人常说谎话,乃是恶兽,又馋又懒。

4.I do not pke this part of her. Every time when i talk about this, she alway end up "i am not care" Are you really not care?我不喜欢她这点。而且我每次说这点时,我总是用“我是没关系的”这样结尾,你真的是没关系的吗?

5.I loathe it; I would not pve alway: let me alone; for my days are vanity.我厌弃性命,不愿永活。你任凭我吧,因我的日子都是虚空。

6.Then he. put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went alWay.然后他又把一片奶酪放到他的口袋里,然后就走了

7.Life, to be worthy of a rational being, must be alway in progression.人生必需永远前进,才不愧为有理智的人。

8.My boss is alway finding fault with my work and I have got used to it, so I always turn a deaf ear to it.我的老板总是挑我工作上的刺,我已经习惯了,所以对他的话我充耳不闻。

9.In these morning, I alway watch the sky , but I has never catch it.这几日早上我都望着天空,却一直以来都抓不住距。

10.When I am grieved or not happy or the thing intend to think of those who arrive alway you. I only bepeve you along now.当我悲伤或不开心的的时候,你总是在我身边。我只相信你。