




1.横断山脉 阿尔泰山脉( Altay Moun… 横断山脉 Hengduan Mountains。 … 太行山脉( Taihang Shanmai… ...

2.横断山 ... ) Hengduan mountains region 横断山区 ) Hengduan Mountains 横断山 ) the Hengduan Mountains 横断 …

3.横断山区 ... ) Hengduanshan type 横断山型 ) Hengduan Mountains 横断山区 ) Hengduanshan Mountain 横断 …


1.Our excursion would be taking us into a remote area in the Hengduan Mountains where Yunnan province and the Tibetan Autonomous Region meet.我们要去的是位于滇藏交界处横断山脉的一处偏远山区。

2.Parts of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and the Hengduan Mountains extend to its territory.青藏高原和横断山脉的一部分延伸到了阿坝境内。

3.Lying at the far eastern end of the Himalayas, the Hengduan Mountains form Yunnan's northern border with Tibet.横断山脉位于喜马拉雅山脉最东边,是云南北方与西藏的边界

4.Longtan 99 major attractions, rhododendron forests, resident Dawn Danxia landform and Hengduan Mountains and other natural botanical garden.主要景点有九十九龙潭、杜鹃林、黎明丹霞地貌和新主横断山天然植物园等。

5.Soil microbial quantity and its relations with ecological factors in northern alp region of Hengduan Mountains横断山北部高山区不同生态条件下土壤微生物数量及其与生态因子的相关性

6.Spatial distribution characteristics of the soil phosphorus in the ecological fragile area in the north of Hengduan Mountains横断山北部生态脆弱区土壤磷素空间分布特征

7.Species richness and vertical distribution pattern of flea fauna in Hengduan Mountains of western Yunnan, China云南横断山区蚤类物种丰富度与区系的垂直分布格局

8.Sustainable Utipzation of Soil Resources in Hengduan Mountains Region横断山区土壤资源可持续利用研究

9.Butterfly Resources and Protection of Rare Species in Hengduan Mountains横断山区的蝶类资源与珍稀蝴蝶的保护

10.On the Geo-environment of the Hengduan Mountains and the Development of Ethnic Culture Tourism横断山的地缘环境及民族文化旅游发展