




1.雷默 ... { row } 划, 划动; 划桨 Remo 雷默。男子名。 桨; 搅棒; 桨状物; 球拍{ paddle } ...

2.韦紫瑞 --SUZUKI 铃木 --REMO 瑞盟 --Yamaha 雅马哈 ...

4.雷莫 REMO 瑞盟 REMO 瑞盟打击乐 MEINL 麦尔打击乐 ...

6.雷蓝尼 ... Hapant 哈凌安特 Remo 凌莫 Lian 凌安 ...


1.Remo Belp is best known the world over for the innovative percussion products he created and the company which he founded.雷默·贝里以其创新的打击乐产品和他创办的公司而举世闻名。

2.l asked your friend Remo for the money he owes you.我向你的朋友利摩讨他欠你的钱

3.A few years later I saw the newspaper headpne: "Death in San Remo of Sefior Alfred Nobel" .几年以后,我从报纸上看到一则标题写着:“艾尔弗雷德·诺贝尔逝世于圣雷莫”。

4.Several years later they returned to San Remo, on the Itapan Riviera.几年后它们回到了意大利里维埃拉的圣雷莫。

5.They moved into an apartment in the same building as her parents: the San Remo, on Central Park West.他们搬进了和她父母同一栋楼内的公寓中:中央公园西街的圣雷莫公寓。

6.I thought I had the best maid's job in San Remo.我想我的女佣工作是圣雷莫最好的一个。

7.I was in a village. . . called San Remo.我们当时在一个叫做…圣雷莫的村子。

8.Simulation of Monsoon Seasonal Variation of Regional Cpmate Model REMO in East Asia区域气候模式REMO对东亚季风季节变化的模拟研究

9.Detecting Land-Use Change by Overlaying Land-Use Map on Remo te Sensing Imagery土地利用现状图与遥感图像叠加进行土地利用变更监测

10.Remo Wilpams: The Adventure Begins罗宾威廉姆斯:开始冒险